This is when I point out that the ending was created by Kubrik, not Spielberg.
This is when I point out that the ending was created by Kubrik, not Spielberg.
Every time I click on this hoping that it includes the PC version. Every time I leave disappointed. One day maybe.
Every time I click on this hoping that it includes the PC version. Every time I leave disappointed. One day maybe.
Hah, yup, I was in the same boat but broke down immediately when The Last of Us 2 was announced. That plus Persona 5, Uncharted 4, HZD, and this make me pretty happy I gave in.
Anyone else having an audio problem with the video? My sound is extremely slowed down so they both sound like demons, which I guess is hilarious in its own way...
Polygon’s article mentions that this was indeed Dylan, so given the context from the Andromeda article, I am pretty excited.
Can confirm the racism.
FYI you can hit Tab to get out of any menu instantly. It’s dumb that they don’t explicitly give players that prompt though.
Yeah, here’s a link to the page on Suncoast’s site. Looking at that price I guess I should have just gotten it there, but then again with shipping and wait time it basically breaks even. I find it funny that the picture they used is basically the same as the one I took this morning though!
Huh, they even got Tagalog in there. It’s nice to feel represented for once!
I’ll be that guy... Trigger control Han! Even scruffy looking nerf herders need to observe proper blaster handling procedures.
Honestly, as someone into sim-racing, the full support for Project CARS and the idea of being able to drive in VR is enough to make me want either this or the the Vive as soon as possible.
Fantastic skin for a, let’s say “less than stellar” at the moment hero. It’s too easy to fall behind the damage curve if you’re not getting stacks fast enough in the early game, and there just isn’t anything he brings to the table that some other hero can’t do better or easier. Here’s hoping this leads to either buffs…