
67 Korean Cheuksin flat6 Mid-front RWD station wagon... Fun to drive, but can’t find parts... Hell... don’t even know if this mythical beast exists. (And I decided a minor deity is an animal. Deal with it.)

Looks like a Terry Gilliam movie... not sure if that’s a good thing or bad thing.

honest to Godpower spit take. Thank you!

We can finally get an HD version of STNG!

Yeah, you guys deserve a better editor. The caption under the first pic might be lacking the word “know”, and then this “their hero work at his grew older” makes no sense. Come on. Lots of these are creeping in across the platform.

That’ll fix those pesky invasive species! SEE? It’s a good thing.

I’m thinking a bunch of dudes on skateboards with backpacks full of phones flash-skating traffic jams ALL over a city... disruption of the system! Weeee! Just not near me, k?

Would make a much better McGuffin for a movie than an atomic train hauling the last scraps of humanity around. Call it Wavepiercer. Just don’t flood the engines.

No. That’s not how it works.

Hard-pressed... clever.

Your children, if you have any, face a formidable foe in your punning. Use these powers for good- or kinda good... chaotic good.

Absentminded professor is a trope

or is it Dr. M’s lil forehead spot... right where the 3rd eye ought to be, since the 7th cav wants to steal his powers and turn their sad white asses into sad blue uber-men

No, it was Abar ‘connected’ to the elephant...

The First of His Name, Phillips, wears a mask. And what did Laurie Blake said about people who wear masks?

Since it’s Watchmen, I’m thinking it’s an allusion to Dr M’s spot. Since the 7th Cav want to steal his powers and become Nietzsche’s nightmare super-men

I, for one, am sick of these geese apologists trying to spread their goose-centric propagander.

Does Bugatti Dream of Electric Bugs?

Still sucks