
Surprise! Not everyone has a Christian marriage ceremony. Civil vows say nothing about sexual fidelity, many other non-Christian ones don’t as well.

I don’t understand the purpose behind cutting a round pizza into squares. Mathematicians proved in 1882 that squaring the circle is nonsense.

this dude looks like a fake Onion article about 2017 rappers

I officially feel old (at 29) seeing the word “creepypasta” used neither ironically nor as an object of discussion about lingual drift.

Tyger, Tyger, burning bright

I get your point but at the same time it’s not like those kind of people don’t exist in that community either. Like it’s lame that such an underrepresented group got that portrayal but I wouldn’t call it inaccurate. Those people are around in spades just how shitty monogamous people are.

The odd thing is that your reply to “dsxghdfj” makes complete sense to me without further context. Maybe I’ve been on the internet too long.

As someone that has almost 100 hours on Pharah, when that happens I’m pissed but type in my head “ns” or “wp”

Personally, my dopamine in OW is multi-headshotting with Zen’s right click on a distant target. tink-tink-tink-tink :-))))))))))))))))

That’s... actually pretty damn cool. They put in a lot of effort and it paid off in spectacular fashion.

Sorry, I’m a little taken aback by being able to comment that without cynicism or irony.

the medical industry, government, food companies, and the pharmaceutical industry do not have your best health interests at heart.

Less than two inches of it can cause a child to asphyxate!

That only works if you also twirl your pocket-watch-on-a-chain whilst thoughtfully stroking your whispy chinstrap beard.

As far as “how do I approach,” you’re right that there’s a lot of sleazy shit (and sleazy guys) out there. What I found worked best for me was simply to say, “Hi, my name is (Arnheim). Do you have a minute to chat?”

“Dog carcass in alley this morning, tire tread on burst stomach. This city is afraid of me. I have seen its true face...”

May you never develop a problem—slowly and over time—that you do not recognize as a problem until you’re unsure of how to get yourself out of it.

...and if you do, may there be people who are kinder and more understanding than you presently appear nearby to help you out. No one deserves to be left to battle addiction

This gotcha that you keep trying to set up with everyone will continue to fail as, again, you are assuming that the mere fact that a trope appears in anime means that it’s considered perfectly normal and okay by everyone in Japan. This is incorrect.

Oh god I thought you were joking.

Hey man, child rape is child rape. You do you though, and by that I mean stay the fuck away from children you piece of shit.

I just wish even a fraction of that “far too many” were as good as Space Marine or Dawn of War 2. It’s such a great universe to set almost any genre in.

Yes. I’ve read it twice. Wonderful: you can tell the author—despite being not at all crazy about math—is enthusiastic, anyhow. Paul Erdős would be a wonderful subject to write about.