
I think Sauvage’s reference to math was regarding [the awful link I chose at random] on sacred geometry and the vesica piscis. Not Cumberbatch’s portrayal of Hawking’s early years.

Ahh yes, Japan’s famous lack of censorship concerning sex things.

This guy misspelled his own name on his Facebook profile.

One fun context clue to figure out if this question wasn’t appropriate is that the woman who was asked the question is saying that it wasn’t appropriate.

Or, just hire more women to do stuff.

I’ve never had bad sex because, I realized, after experiencing some shitty partners, that it was up to ME to get what I needed from the experience, whether or not they were doing it.

Nothing says Punk like a bunch of cops and soldiers.


What is that quote? “We don’t need men in feminist spaces, we need men to take male spaces and make them feminist.”

100% disagree with soma being a group game. You should definitely play that alone the first time.

Yeah I’ve been replaying some shitty behavior in my 20s in my mind. I was pushy at times. I never ignored a hard no, but I did try to get people to change minds, stuff like that. I feel a little sick thinking about it, and I wish I knew then what I know now.

It certainly did me. It has forced me to re-evaluate a lot of my previous interactions with women. It has also made me realize I need to be exceedingly proactive in teaching my son about consent, boundaries, accountability, etc.

my dude do you realize that you’re proving their point by being unreasonably angry about a support hero killing your super kill adrenaline rush

Why is 1/2 my gaming collection paid and why is 1/2 pirated.” 

Let me ask you something. How has a game actually negatively affected your life in such a way that you could say that they “fuck you”?

Which only works so long as a competitive marketplace is maintained. It’s a different story when there are no other viable alternatives. The airline industry in the US is a great example of what it usually looks like when you want to call for a boycott of a company that exists as the only choice for air travel in many

Capitalism is usually about exploitation; this is no different. Gamers love the feeling of being rewarded through a tedious process and not many of us value our currency over a shiny new weapon skin.

Now we know where all the Hanzo mains come from.

The Quicker Fucker Upper

And the Venture Brothers creators are hoping for 14 episodes over the next 5-10 years.