
I first noticed “problematic” about 15 years ago on feminist blogs and it was usually used as a sign post, indicating that a collateral issue was raised but the analysis was too thorny to delve into without distracting from the primary argument. People didn’t use it when the issue was clearly a problem, like they seem

Women everywhere thank you, RoyeEugene, for explaining things to us that we already understood by virtue of fucking existing as women every day of our lives.

“I’m gonna say I’m not gonna victim blame, but then I’m gonna proceed to victim blame.”

Therapist shifts uncomfortably, “So... you killed the entire orphanage. That might be enough for today.”

If that’s how you define someone’s sexuality, you need to expand your reading list and social circle.

Your reaction is way more scary to me. They temporarily disable a character in an online video game, and you respond like your human rights are being violated.

This is will last forever.

i will give tekkonkrit a nudge too, i thought i would hate the weird, off model art style, but it fit the sense of motion the story had. and the characters behaviors are odd, but kind of work once you fill in all the holes.

30000% here for how weird Noel is going to make things.


Don’t be mean to my goth boo Noel 😡

That’s Richmond. He got scurvy.

why do I kinda love this? Noel Fielding looks like the cybergoth son that this family has chosen to accept 

Excuse me, but fuck right off with that entitled crap, dude. They deserve considered criticism, and the reduced sales that come out of that, not being ‘savaged’. Personal harassment is never fucking justified—and certainly not as a response to a subpar entertainment product.

Aaargh. We need one for PS4, and PSN accepts nothing but abusive chat reports.

Did they at least get extra time in the plastic ball pit?

To that end, the RFP stipulates that the American side be “aesthetically pleasing in color,”

Nothing like the death of a famous male musician to remind you that the overwhelming majority of famous male musicians are/were either sex offenders, woman beaters, or otherwise truly awful people. “Brown Eyed Handsome Man” and “Too Much Monkey Business” still own though.