
It never crossed my mind before until now, but how messed up would it be if Qyburn, with all his Mengelesque experiments on reanimation, ends up being the one to figure out how to stop the White Walkers/Army of the Dead for good?

I think you mean "enhanced interrogation."

I still have no clue what you're ranting about. The focus of the scene was clearly Sansa's rape. If you didn't get the gist of the ordeal Sansa was experiencing from the audio, then you have other issues.

As much of a great commander as Stannis is, he isn't going to have a great chance with an exhausted, half-starved, remnant of an army, at least not without some Melisandre black magic. Even though LF has no military experience, it's not like the Vale doesn't have competent military commanders that can do the

While it is possible to have used another plot device, I don't think it's logical given what we know about Ramsay and the fact that him and Sansa are now married. By now, it would be totally out of character for him not to do the most horrific thing imaginable. Furthermore, any other less shocking plot device would

Plus, isn't half of LF's plot to let the Boltons and Stannis kill each other and then march in to pick up the pieces? I'm not seeing why people think this plan is so far-fetched (and that's assuming that is LF's real plan).

Sorry? You would rather have had them show the rape itself? Explicit sexual violence would have made the scene less misogynistic? And this would have advanced Sansa's story, how?

Even so, she didn't show a shred of contrition. In fact, she was basically rubbing it in Agent 33's face. Bobbi just isn't quite coming across as very heroic to me anymore.

I loved how they drew the distinction between the Flash and the Arrow. It really gets to the heart of the Flash as a character, and what makes him different from other superheroes. It's the reason why he's the glue that holds the Justice League together. Well done to the writers on the fidelity to source in Barry's

It's weird, but I kind of feel bad for Ward. It seems like he's gotten the short end of the stick his entire life. And as for Bobbi, I get it, it was her mission, but she still could have apologized. She witnessed the effects of her betrayal on Agent 33, yet refused to make any amends. Frankly, she acted like a bitch.

You're assuming that Lane's business wouldn't be successful. Have you ever been to Brooklyn?

Man, this show is getting to be pretty freaking good.

This looks extremely promising. As much as I like anti-heroes and dark, brooding protagonists, sometimes you just want to watch a show that is fun and engaging. Hopefully, they can build off the strong start.

Who the heck starts a meal with scotch? Seriously?

Exactly. It seems clear that the point of Liam, as Scott's beta, is to help facilitate Scott's maturation into a real alpha. Once Scott stops being such a pushover and starts asserting his powers, it opens up the story lines for the writers for future seasons.

I would be very surprised if Derek was simply written out of the show. When main characters have disappeared in the past (Allison, Jackson, Isaac, etc.) it has been because the actors have chosen to pursue other projects. Unless there has been news that Tyler has plans to leave, I would not be overly concerned about

Maybe that's the point. Every city has gone to hell, so you might as well just stay where you are.

I don't think it makes sense to be Thea, since she was present when Slade killed Moira. If Thea was the other person Slade needed to kill, why wouldn't he have just killed her at the same time?

So, was it the magic mushrooms Floki gave Rollo that miraculously healed him enough to get out of bed and fight off two attackers?

Eh, I just double checked. Fitz and Simmons are clearly there and are the ones that move the filing cabinet to the truck after Coulson and May threw it out the window. Trip was busy harpooning the zip line so that Coulson and May could escape, while Skye sat in the driver's cab the entire time.