
I mean, I realize *why* the producers didn't do this since it would have ended the war up north rather prematurely, but it still boggles my mind that someone didn't just yell, "Go for the Night King!" once the dragons show up, especially after Beric explicitly said out loud that that is the way to end the war just

The Tarlys were traitors, and deserved to burn with all the rest. All the traitors.

Again, it's not like the Lannister army was conducting a holding action while the wagons train escaped. It was just sitting there. There was no urgency to attack it.

If that was the case, then it just proves my point. You don't attack the supply train before the troops; it's not like the supply train is going anywhere in the middle of a battle.

If she can take the dive Drogon makes after he gets hit without blacking out, I don't see why she wouldn't be able to take a steeper dive to begin with. Plus, we've already established that the dragons can hover in mid-air, so Drogon could just fly above the scorpion and make his way down that way with impunity.

That would make sense, but I don't see who would have the established motivation to betray Dany, and even if there is a mole, how is he/she getting the information off of Dragonstone?

Dany really needs to learn some basic military tactics. Why would you make an aerial attack perpendicular to the enemy lines, when you can attack parallel to them? Furthermore, Qyburn's scorpion has a giant flaw, in that it can't attack a target past a certain degree of elevation. Why wouldn't you come at it from a

Did Madden even try? He always sounded pretty Scottish to me.

Except for Cersei's super scouts one assumes were hiding under the Painted Table at Dragonstone that knew where to intercept Yara's Greyjoy fleet in the middle of the ocean, and knew that the Unsullied were going to attack Casterly Rock with enough forewarning to evacuate the entire Lannister army to the Reach and get

Whoever it is, I don't see how it's believable to have him manage to drag Jaime out of the water by himself.

I also tend to root for the spoiled, backstabbing, pretty boy who likes to rape his sister next to their incestuous spawn's dead corpse, defenestrate innocent children, murder his own cousin to try to escape from prison, and unconditionally back a psychopathic mass murderer.

Knights who sink in water in full armor tend to drown. I can't help but be apprehensive at what how Benioff & Weiss decide to save Jamie, especially given the fiasco they made of episode three.

Don't be ridiculous. Knowing how to bargain is obviously not the same - that would be the equivalent of her being unnaturally persuasive in her argumentative skills. A Jedi mind trick is something else altogether, more akin to mind control. And knowing how to fight with a quarterstaff is completely different than

Those were honing skills that they already knew. Luke knew how to fly and shoot; the force just helped him to be more accurate. Anakin knew how to fly a pod racer; the force just allowed him to be better at it due to better reflexes.

When I said "magically" I did not mean merely the use of the force - that is an established part of the Star Wars universe. Too often, however, lazy writers use the force as an excuse to explain why victory can be pulled from the jaws of defeat, without properly establishing such usage in the plot. Take, for example,

The implausibility of the rebels always magically defying the odds in Star Wars drives me nuts, and this was no exception, so I guess the Bendu deus ex machina made sense in a way, unfortunately.

In all fairness one could use the same logic to conclude that our legal system is equally ridiculous:

I loathe Trump as much as anyone, but this headline is misleading and unfair. The Illusive Man is a speciesist, not a racist, which is a significant difference. Otherwise, you might as well claim Ronald McDonald is a genocidal racist against cattle.

I assume Doran will play a much larger role next season, if they follow the books in any fashion. Otherwise it will truly have been a waste of a casting.

I really enjoyed the Dorne intrigues in the books, but the plot development so far in the show has been disappointing. I really hope they manage to do those story lines justice moving forward.