
So, which piece of prehistoric S.H.I.E.L.D. tech allowed Fitz and Simmons to move a full filling cabinet and lift it into a truck by themselves?

I don't see how D&D can avoid most of the things in Dorne. It plays an increasingly greater role moving forward, and the setup for The Winds of Winter seems to imply the Sand Snakes having a future hand in wherever things are happening in Westeros.

But can you think of a more appropriate memorial tribute to the life of King Joffrey?

It really is too bad, because I thought the challenges in this episode were exceptional. I just really hated seeing Stephanie, who was also my favorite contestant, get eliminated, especially in such heartrending fashion. I cannot remember a more difficult elimination to watch in all eleven seasons of the show. At

I have to agree that the restaurant names were just awful.