
Getting arrested for distributing One Piece? Sounds like the work of the World Government.

I'd say cheap but he did give Shepard life, a ship, and paid some people to join your crew. That's more than enough, I would say.

Glad I wasn't the only one who thought of the Matrix.

What about the Illusive Man? He threw 2 billion credits just at bringing back Shepard alone. Now granted, he may have investors, but still, he controls a lot of wealth.

When I owned the original white one, I wanted the black one. Fast forward a few years. Now that I have the black slim, I want the white one. Figures.

Looks like a Modern Warfare set of levels. Not bad, but definitely not Doom-ish. When I imagine Doom levels, Downtown, the Citadel, and The Living End come to mind. Even now and several hundred FPS games later, the level designs and art still stand out in my mind. That needs to happen again.

Too many Pokemon, stopped trying to catch.

I don't even know where to start.

Not gonna lie, I'd really like to have a plushie version of Garrus.

This is awesome and well done.

A thoroughly enjoyable read. Articles like these are why I keep visiting Kotaku and will continue to do so. He also makes some great points about video games and politics.

I too loved Nall. He had such a big mouth but that made him great. That and, you know, later in the game...


I do agree there but back in 1998 Leon fit the role only months after Titanic had come out.

Am I the only one who ever thought Leon looked like Leonardo DiCaprio? In RE2 - Titanic and now in RE6 - Inception? Hopefully I'm not the only one...

Brilliant post and an awesome reference.

I won my original Xbox from a Taco Bell promotion. Might have to give this a shot.

This probably IS the One Piece.

Time to go change my gamertag to ProSkater.

Be careful, though, or you'll find yourself floating home.