
I live in Southern California. Orange County tends to be more draconian in penalties. To be honest, the penalties don't deter everyone, which is why DUI here has a 84% second offense rate. But there are those who learn, like I did. The only crappy part is I get stopped randomly when they run my plates sometimes

Maybe the laws aren't as severe where you live, but where I live, there's a bit of a laundry list. You get mandatory three years of probation, where any of infraction or greater offense will send you back to jail. Mandatory suspension of license is a given. Being in the same car with someone who is driving under

Of course! That's why they make so many bad calls!

That particular LFA recently passed through my friend's dealership in SoCal. It's on its way to retirement soon, unfortunately.

$3.59 in south Orange County for 91. These are some good times right now.

They weren't parked, if you keep watching the video, there's a fair bit of congestion in the exit lane.

Simple, rugged, and badass. I hope it's simple to maintain and repair, and by the looks of it, it is!

Really? "Built to stay that way" makes me assume it was built to not break your bank in repairs.

So...run rich and shoot flames out? This needs to be done right now.

What a glorious world we live in.

Motor Authority(which I would take with a grain of salt) has reported rumors that it may be up to 320. I hope so, but it probably won't be.

Agreed. If this sells, maybe it will give them enough balls to make a new S2000 successor. That's what we really want.

And Honda is being lambasted for the airbag recall, despite it affecting most major manufacturers. GM just lately has been on a roll with recalls, that's why you're constantly seeing it.

Clarkson hates Porsches.

Wayyyy too much money for that year and condition. If it were a craigslist sale, I'd offer 10 and go from there. And that's only because I rebuild these engines.

Only because FIA won't allow them to be crazy unsafe anymore :(

Make sure you never buy mismatched tires, never use Mobil 1(Rotella T6 or Motul is preferable), keep up on your maintenance(duh), and don't forget to have fun every once in a while!

As long as you don't do a crazy amount of mods to it, it'll be solid.

I have an Impreza at 219xxx still running strong. 2.2L just refuses to die.

I guess you could say he was taking a crash course.