
If the piston stopped moving, that would cause the engine to seize. I'm pretty sure your piston didn't just stop moving.

I don't know if he's trying to describe the loss of combustion in one cylinder or not.

Well, that was quick.

I would totally drive an obnoxious Camaro in Japan if I had the money. RHD exists in the states, why not bring a little LHD flavor to Japan? Before you say that it's a pain in the ass to drive on the wrong side of the car, yes I know, I've driven a RHD car before.

Honestly, I find the complaints about stuff being taken down almost hilarious, if the comments weren't so misogynistic. It's like taking candy away from a child and having them roll around on the floor screaming for their candy back. Except in a very sick way. The internet has a way of emboldening sickos, no?

I think that's Lenovo.

Don't ever get the "Premium Brake oil" over again.

Sounds reasonable. Most Lexus owners seem to have that deer in the headlights look anyway.

The TLX may be the hero they need, but it's definitely not the hero we deserve. Normally when a new model hits our dealership, the techs usually make a bit of a fuss going over the car. On Saturday, I saw no such thing happen.

I can assure you that there are some honest service departments out there who fully understand the legal ramifications of screwing with a customer's car. However, they're few and far between.

After that video, I have a sudden urge to get a 360 truck at any cost.

One time at the dealership, some guy came in for a tire rotation. His last service was at a Jiffy Lube, and I'll be damned, but my impact had trouble getting those lug nuts off.

Not in the current configuration of the FA20 turbo. The moment you hit a dip too fast, say goodbye to that turbo.

You're hearing the horror stories. I know of very few people who get their cars impounded for illegal mods, and those stories are always with the guys who street race. I've been driving modded cars in SoCal, and I've never had an issue with it.

Holy shit I would buy this in a heartbeat.

I use a Matco 3/8" impact for most duties. Snap-On or Matco 1/2" will take care of your axle nuts and whatnot. They're damn good bandaids for the lack of shop air. Hell, I use them at work if I'm too lazy to pull that air hose out.

A brain that's able to assess the situation. Sadly, even some technicians lack this mighty tool.

Gonna have to agree here. A Miata really makes you grow as a driver.

Affordable repairs kinda ties in with the backyard dirt jumps, no?