
I'm going to go ahead and revise that to both, then.


Probably why they had to modify the springs and dampers.

It seems Italian cops like AWD wagons. I approve.

"Being second is to be the first of the ones who lose." -Ayrton Senna

Actually, when I rack an older car at the shop, WD40 and a lighter are my best friends. I hate it when spiders fall onto me.

Well that's not just for the spiders.

Tame it and make it your bitch. But then everyone you know with a 240SX will beg you to fix their electrical.

Don't assume you suck till you try it! Soldering irons are pretty cheap at Radioshack, just take two wires, strip the ends and practice soldering. When you get it down, there's a whole world out there to fix/McGuyver.

In the future you should just solder it and then apply heatshrink. Much more durable than butt connectors, assuming you don't suck at soldering.

Ohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodohgod where's the gasoline and lighter at?

I've been seeing so many dash cam articles lately, we might as well have a sub blog!

Hey hey hey, there's nothing wrong with being hammered, as long as you're not driving!

Because if you introduce too large of an exhaust, you lose back pressure(which in theory is good, but you do need a little bit of back pressure to draw more air during the overlap of exhaust and intake strokes). This would result in loss of power, and possibly a temporary rich condition since you will have less air

Ugh, the worst dregs on the internet have a certain panache for finding each other. This sickens me to no end...

Well, Bill Nye invented the hydraulic pressure resonance suppressor still used in 747s today, if that counts for anything. Man, I miss Bill Nye the Science Guy.

Is it weird that the only family that I know personally with a H2 is a family of Mexican immigrants(albeit legal ones)?

It's not a pander, it's an attempt to be awesome at everything we try, even environmentalism. I think it's working pretty well.

Who would buy a F150 over a Ute? That's crazy talk.

I agree wholeheartedly with that choice.

Also, I wouldn't expect that 4B11T to be making a whole lot of mpg at 440bhp. I most definitely would not expect an EJ25(or EJ20 in other markets) to get any mpg numbers either. Although people do tune STi's and get more than 4 mpg.