
I just got a few new products that I really like, and wanted to share!

I used to loathe her in her Candy days. Just another Britney knockoff who was sure as hell NO BRITNEY, I thought.

Look, I might think Pinkham is deluded by the false promise that is Capitals hockey, but the dude's loyal; never fault a man for staying true to his roots.

To: all of those saying we should not be praising Hebdo and his organization because they ridiculed already marginalized groups. NO, THEY DID NOT. Their targets were the same as any satirist; tyrants, blowhards, and hypocrites who preach hate instead of following the tenets of their own religion. No peace loving

I never commented on Gawker/Jez/Kinja/etc blogs until I found Kitchenette and BCO. Praise be to the Uberest of Trouts for bringing such a wonder to our weekly lives.

This is such important journalism. OH MY JESUS HE IS SO FINE.

As someone who works in the anti-counterfeiting industry, I just wanted to say that your description of how the crime of selling counterfeit goods is simple trademark infringement is incredibly simplistic and just wrong. Finished counterfeit goods are just the tip of the crime iceberg.

As someone with overactive bladder, I've been looking forward to pregnancy because I thought at least when I'm pregnant, I won't be judged or reprimanded for getting up in the middle of things. Looks like that's not necessarily the case. :(

I want to start a class action suit for back wages for the all employees who were illegally forced to claim tips they didn't receive because by law the company would have to make up the difference. Such bullshit.

I give you Ed:

If the alleged new movie of 'Guys & Dolls' with Channing Tatum and Joseph Gordon-Levitt actually happens, please please please let Anna Kendrick play Sarah. I can totally see her as the slightly smug and prissy Salvation Army girl who reluctantly agrees to go on a date with Skye, then gets hammered on dulce de leches

Remember, just because you ordered the Gratuity, it doesn't mean you owe your date anything!

"Who ate the gratuity?" is going to be something I use next time I have to split a bill between eleventyzillion friends.