
Damn, if you could round it down to five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred it might work

Perfectly said. I grew up in a family where marriage was expected (and early) but that rarely weighed on me. I even said in my early college years I wouldn’t marry or have kids. But then I spent years with my now husband and at some point it became, “well I want to be with this guy forever” and it came naturally, much

If you’re talking collection, cars is a hard one financially I'd imagine. I thought she just meant one cool car. But I would have a car for every day of the week of I could afford it! (picturing my fictional self on MTV Cribs showing off my rides)

I’m grey so you probably won't see this but omg I love this story. Has lifetime contacted you for movie rights yet? They will write in some disease and some other stuff but I'll still watch it to see that wedding. Fuck, if not lifetime, then someone (me?) should create a Knot-style wedding magazine for ultra cool

Definitely get a cool car. I’m married and sometimes get more excited about my (relatively cool but not “I’m an awesome independent bachelorette I have a sick car is that not ok with you” cool..) cool car. Like I’m talking entry level Audi vs. tricked out vintage Camaro/ sleek new Tesla cool levels)

Good call on posting early. I got ungreyed on Millihelen for shamelessly stalking the Beauty Box posts and feverishly devouring and then immediately commenting on them... I love Millihelen!

Will corroborate this data with my own purely anecdotal stats. 7.5 of 10 Ryans I know suck through and through. The .5 is for a well-intentioned but extremely dumb and reckless Ryan.

Are you me? Almost samesies except I couldn’t make it to the roof of our apt building as usual and tried to watch from our balcony (very obstructed view) in excruciating pain. Came out December that year.

Teaching people how to park seems like teaching someone how to put on eyeliner. You need to learn yourself. No one’s secrets or techniques work in theory.

Honestly I am naturally exhuberant and excitable over small things and would totally be the person to compliment your parking. After being told by husband and friends that it's off putting to have a stranger compliment your day to day activities I've realized it can be awkward but I genuinely still think if you

I had the same issue with the mascara. I feel like such a wet formula is better with a more streamlined brush, though I've read (maybe here!) that Too Faced is a more dry formula. I had to use a lot of cotton swabs for cleanup and it was clumpy in spots. I still like Benefit They’re Real better.

I deliberately cancelled my subscription over a year ago, and when I moved this past January, renewed my Allure subscription, and started getting Lucky again. I never found it too interesting or wanted to buy anything featured in it—for the whole “quirky” and unique, twee aesthetic, all they peddled seemed to be

Yikes! Not a vacation story but tangentially similar. I'm from LA and we had our high school senior grad night at Disneyland (they close the park at 8 or so and all the schools that paid had it to themselves all night till 6 am or so. Wasn't just my school). Some smart teen decides to smoke a joint on the haunted

I was about 10 and my family was driving up from LA to San Francisco with some relatives visiting from overseas. My dad had just gotten a new manual Honda Accord (this was like 1994) and we took highway 1 on the coast. I thought it would be a great idea to eat a whole package of baby carrots while my dad drove his new

I was actually instructed, on a trans-Atlantic United flight, NOT to crush my empty can as is could be used as a weapon. I thought I was just helping recycle..?

I tried the PTR one as part of a sampler pack from Sephora and I don’t think I used it right because I was kind of grossed out and didn't run very hard. It started clumping the second I started applying it.. Need to give it another try and accept the grossness I guess

Mine too, but I don’t paint my nails (I’ve been wearing gels for a while to help me stop biting) so I didn’t mind it. Unfortunately my lipstick was a very 90s brownish mauve that I'll probably never wear. Might look better on someone with darker skin

Been meaning to check them out. The Mr. loves their TV ads

My husband hates that whole slim/athletic fit thing so he ends up buying all of his tees at mildly touristy places like breweries, local surf store, etc. He’s basically a walking advertisement for anywhere we've stepped foot. Even Hot Topic and regular band merch is all skinny and the material is too thin.

I LOVE that book. Had some sections of it assigned in college and have read it several times in full since.