
Wow.... Smh, This has to be thee WORST mock I've ever seen, and I know I can't be the only one to feel this way... I rather go back to my Nextel i930... Honestly I wouldn't mind them keeping the same form factor (if it aint broke...) all I want is a 4 inch screen and I'll be happy.

This game will NEVER get old! Still got my 64 under my bed (though it stopped working 2 summers ago smh, but I'm pretty sure the game still works!)

I'm a Dish Network Sat Tech and about a year ago this was brought to our attention. Goes to show how much they value what we think because they actually decided to go with a name this terrible... SMH, really though, the Hopper? This screams FAIL, not because its a bad idea but because this is one of those situations

Never was a big fan of Apple. Never wanted to be a part of the whole Apple bandwaggon regime until I got my first iPhone (3G). It wasn't so much that phone that impressed me... It was simply that it worked... It did what I wanted it to do, when I wanted it to do it and it made me think of the possibilities to come...

Has to be fake... According to the illustration the iPhone5 would support 4G which we pretty much know it wont...

Maybe this iphone will actually be 4G capable and therefore be call iPhone 4G

I say allow us to choose which one we want but putting it in the settings. Personally I pefer the current one...

You think at&t doesnt have something to do with this??!!

Yea I agree with u but I have to LOL @ "get off of apples nuts"!

Yea I remember reading that we wont see a 4G capable iphone til next at earliest but it doesnt hurt to wish!

My iPhone 5/iOS 5 Wish List:

1 point 4 U!

Oops! Lol!

It's about time they release iOS 4.3, it was starting to become the legend...

1 arm & 1 leg, maybe 2?

Don't hold your breath...

Does anyone know if its goin' to ship with Oregon Trail ?!?!

Who has a Verizon iPhone anyway... 0_o

I doubt it. It did wonders for advertisement sales on!

Honestly I think for notifications to be better and out of the way Apple is going to have to give us a bigger screen. Is anyone else in favor of a 4.3 Retina display or is it just me!? Oh yeah and to death with iAds...!