
C'mon really Apple... Don't get me wrong I'm all for cheaper products but this to me is over saturation... I know at the end of the day its business but at what point does one say too much is too much...? The last thing I wanna see is a prepaid iPhone... It'll make me cringe when someone asks "Hey, which iPhone you

@Ioden: Just Something I Do For Attention Glad To See It Working!!

Idk, But Am I The Only Person Who Finds It Odd That The Home Button Is Conveniently Out Of View... O_o

@robot-shmobot: I'm Glad You're A Fan Of My Commenting Format!

And The Beginning Of The End... Smh... Not That I Care Too Much About Verizon Hosting iDevices I'm More Worried About The CDMA Versions (iPhone)... Over Saturation Of A Product Always Sparks The Beginning Of The End...

Yea Great Update!

So Much For Seeing An "Actual" Profile Pic Of Anyone...

Not Only Would This Be Pointless, But It'd Be Unnecessary...

They Redefined The Search Engine...!

Damn...! A Shooting Challenge of Such Without The Update For HDR On My iPhone 4...!

So Im Guessing No One Remembered Netscape Navigator!

...And to think I had broadband... Smh...

Maybe this is why I've never experienced an issue with my iPhone 4! I didn't use it until I put the shield on!

@Ozzie, The Last Hairbender: No! I've been using ZAGG since my 3G and it's never once left behind residue. Great product. I have it on my i4!

Giz you know you're wrong for milking these iPhone stories...!

Giz stop milking any Apple related story to the fullest just to have something to post... I remember when Giz was about various technologies...

Ok... Im a iPhone 4 User, had it since the first week of launch. I was able to recreate the antenna to some degree but didnt drop a call not once. Not saying that the problem doesn't exist far more worst for others, but since I've had my bumper on the device, Ive yet to have any issue with it. I honestly dont see what

Mines took about 20 minutes, but I did it as soon as it became avail.

Im downloading!!! Yay!!!!