
You have the right idea, that would be awesome!

That is true; but these tests against a solid barrier are more like the scenario I presented. If they were on a track and rolled into each other neither would substain damage, but the Styrofoam ball will be thrown completely off course.

Not really, in fact the opposite could actually help. A light car would have less energy in a collision and thus need less reinforcement to do good on the test, so light, strong materials are probably the way to go.

Nice! It does seem you enjoyed it well and lived to tell the story, I haven’t even had the chance to drive it.

Better finish restoring it soon then...

I’ve known a few people with Rolexes also buy a cheap fake just for kicks. (You could beat on it, give it away, lose it or whatever and not give a damn)

That said, I don’t think any of the vehicles I mentioned would be any good on US highways. But they’re great for lousy roads.


They’re doing well outside of the US, the L200, L300, Nativa, Montero and the trucks all sell ok in most of the rest of the world.

In all fairness this’ll probably end up with someone who already owns a nice car, a boat, a real Rolex, and a fake Rolex for beating on who’ll buy it for shits and giggles. It’s a bit like those golf carts with the RR grille, it’s not about pretending it’s a real Lambo in the same way that a Power Wheels is not

It’s stupid cool, a floating car, that looks like a Lambo.

Yes, it’s probably not a very good boat, nor a very good car but it’s BOTH; and that makes it cooler than pretty much anything else.

I like the way you think.

You’re missing the point, IT FLOATS, IT’S A BOAT! In this case the fact that it’s a replica actually means bonus points because a real one wasn’t ruined.

NP for sure, I mean, I know it’s a replica and all. BUT IT FLOATS! That only makes it way way cooler, cooler than any car that doesn’t float, and even cooler than most that do.

The study showed that fatalities had gone down, but not as far down as his model had predicted so...???

Replace the bed maybe?

Here, this is what you need to get:

The rider is not at all guiltless, he was also breaking the law, being reckless and an overall douche and as such deserves a fat fine and maybe even to have his motorcycle license revoked.

The cop must have seen the motorcycle do the lane split, and had no issue with it.