
Oh boy, my dad just got this Jaguar for free, but it’s pretty much a lost case as it requires just waaay too much work.

Coming from a country where lane splitting is legal and frequent, what’s annoying is when the bike gets in front of you at a red light and then DOESN’T accelerate fast when it turns green.

Had the biker brake checked the car or anything like that I’d be with you, first illegal action (the lane splitting) was by the motorcyclist. First DANGEROUS move was by the car forcing him out of the lane.

Motorcyclist split the lanes, yes this is illegal, but not unsafe or anything, let’s say about equal to passing on the right or going 10 over the limit.

Split lanes right in front of the cop car, haha.

By swerving right in front of the bike and then braking as hard as he could (which he did more than once) he was definitely creating a circumstance that could have very easily killed the biker, while still giving plausibility to the explanation that the biker just ran into him.

Why not both? They could crush a ton of motorcycles (so, like 4) and then auction the rest.

Yup, make sure to watch it at home.

It does seem like he’s a jackass, yes, so let’s assume the worse and say he hit the car, broke the mirror or whatever.

Car vs bike is pretty much the same as car vs pedestrian so I’d say attempted murder, nothing less.

The motorcyclist does seem like a jackass, however a car trying to run him over is pretty much attempted murder which is even worse.

I’m thinking of something like the C6 right now. Super comfortable luxury sedan with no sporting pretensions whatsoever which would make it perfect for ride sharing.

Technically you’re right, I’ve done many trips in my brother’s old Montero and it’s perfect for everything you need a 4x4 to do.

Everything was pushed “up there”, probably in the Big Bang the way I see it.

It’s usually less about the money and more about the space required to keep it. I’ve only sold two cars in my life and neither lasted more than 2 months after that, and never plan to sell any of the ones I actually like but I do have space to keep them, which puts me in the minority.

This one?

Shit now cars have selfie sticks too?

Do you place her into her seat through the hatch? That would look hilarious.

It’s not that big inside but it’s definitely fun. My mother just bought one and it moves. Thought I’d hate the CVT but it’s OK.

No, no RS6. As much as I love it I’m sure you’d end up bankrupt paying for maintenance on that thing.