
This is what I was thinking, I live in a city with horrible traffic and torque converters in automatic cars always fail prematurely because of this. When I had an automatic I always shifted to neutral on long stops.

10? try 100 if we count this...

Sure, but my point still stands, imagine this sexy sexy design but with a Honda or Toyota powertrain. Why make ugly cars when this is proof that cars in that segment can look good.

On both my cars running synthetic the manufacturer’s recommended intervals are 10k and 12k respectively. Both are at about 70k now with no problems whatsoever.

Only three cars I’ve ever bought new:

Also check out Koenigsegg’s clothing shop, SO much less douchey.

Damn this is cringeworthy, just went on to the Koenigsegg website to see what they’re selling and came back very satisfied.

Something like a jet engined hybrid maybe, or like the Regera. It is amazing and yes, there’s not much else where to go but it definitely could be even wilder.

I want one badly but for some reason they’re $33k where I live, while a WRX is $31k so definitely not worth it. If I could import one from Mexico though...

Yup, I’m restoring one and that is in fact the cooling fan for the massive 4.2l engine. The motor for the wipers is identical.

Gearing, traction, torque, and also turbo.

Guess so, but was hoping more people here in Jalopnik would agree with me, hehe.

I had an old Ford that did that same thing with the gearbox. Sometimes cars that are considered reliable on one part of the world are considered unreliable on another because of shops and parts availability.

Are they that bad? Guy I know with an ‘08 Accord has had to change more parts in it than my brother with his ‘04 535 and me with my ‘05 Seat put together.

Is it that small? When do you ever see 5 or even 4 people in a midsize sedan? It’s almost always just one person driving. If it was your money, which one would you go for and why?

There’s always the lease option which I’m sure most Accord, Camry and Sonata drivers go for anyway.

I’ve never had reliability problems with any new car I’ve bought and they’ve been Mexican, French and Spanish so I never think of that really (and the next one I’m going for will be Italian-Brazilean!)

Let’s look at the base engines, 135hp turbo diesel probably won’t make it to the States, and I don’t see a 180hp four banger hitting much more than $30k.

Don’t think it’ll be that unreliable actually, almost no new car is unless it’s got air suspension and stuff like that, which this probably won’t and less so in the base model.

Fair, thought all those started around 30, don’t keep up with prices. Mazda 6 would probably be the best choice in that segment but it’s still a long long way from being as pretty as the Alfa.