
worth it

So, say this hits the market priced around $30k, why on earth would anyone continue buying crap like an Accord, Camry, Sonata, or any of the other snoozefests on wheels the rest of the manufacturers are making?

To drive on a track, I’d rather have a caged Miata or WRX or similar that I wouldn’t be too scared to take to the ragged edge. Or an Ariel Atom if I did want to get really scared.

Think of it this way, the real enthusiasts are not the ones who will be buying these cars, but rather the people involved in designing and making them, and I’m pretty sure they’ve enjoyed them very much already. The actual building and selling is just the way to pay the bills.

I’m actually more interested in stuff like Bugatti and Koenigsegg than what McLaren or Ferrari are doing.

I was thinking more:

I´m pretty sure this would max out the jalopmeter

Yeah the tracks are nice, but how cool is it that it actually has a porch all around?

For when you have a lot of jealous people of how you “made it”

I like the looks of it so much that I’m not even going to mention this is precisely the kind of car that needs a 220hp four banger with a manual.

So, between my dad and I we’ve had four of the above, counting the 2CV (he sold the CX about 15 years ago).

My dad had one when I was a kid and sold it for next to nothing. I remember not being able to travel more than 2 or 3 feet as a passenger and dozing off because of how comfy it was.

Here’s mine, not that hard to drive unless you’re going uphill.

Land Cruiser is a 4x4 from before SUVs were invented. I’m looking into an ‘07-’09 for around 20k for myself.

If you can DIY a bit less than $500 should buy you a complete polyurethane bushing set, made my 10 year old car feel like new again.

Yeah I noticed that

The crank and that massive flywheel. In a boxer BMW you can definitely feel the torque from the engine while accelerating and it’s only 2 cylinders. I imagine with the torque this thing has the effect is even more pronounced.

On long highway trips it helps keep your eyes on the road rather than on the speedo.

Haha, drove a bone stock 2CV on a track once. Might have scraped the mirrors when turning.

Yet they are legal in Guatemala, with which it shares a very loosely controlled border, so they are very easy to smuggle in. There was a very similar incident about a block away from where I live just last week, only the guy did shoot at three women and killed one of them for not giving way.