
Same as having a rubber bumper MG, gives a lot of peace of mind to be able to park anywhere and not care if the car is going to be bumped into.

Just drove one yesterday and it is very, very primitive. Bouncy, hard suspension and not too comfortable driving position. A modern 4runner is probably just as good offroad.

I’d try to steer her away from being a pirate though. It´s not as glamorous as TV shows and movies put it and the real ones are not good people at all.

Driven one of those, stock btw and definitely not an engine I’d tune. The car is light so the response wasn’t that slow but the engine felt wrong, as if it had a massive flywheel and wasn’t really balanced properly.

That is way more ugly. I know it wasn’t available in the US, and it’s been discontinued now but one look at the Alfa 159 which was similarly sized and priced as all the cars you posted makes me think that there’s a lot of room for improvement.

They’re all very, very ugly, maybe good cars and the Ford and Mazda sometimes look not so bad on pictures but seriously none of those is an attractive car.

That’s an awesome looking interior, and the outside is much better looking than the LA version also.

In sentiment they’re right but getting these cars off the road and replaced with more ecological models would be FAR, FAR, FAR more polluting than just using them until the end of their useful life, with or without modifications.

Light or not, it probably needs to be checked.

Those look to me like the capsules they use at the drive through teller at the bank. That would be awesome to do without having to reach out the window.

I’d love an RS4 allroad.

Looking at the whole picture it doesn’t look like he’s being reckless at all. Streets are flooded so he’s probably the only vehicle around, and it doesn’t look like he’s going faster than 10 MPH.

Judging by the construction, since it appears not to have any metal crash structure in the front, plus the fiberglass fenders I’m guessing probably a Ligier or similar.

Forget the horn, how cool would it be to drive along shooting Roman candles all the time?

Let’s just suppose that the two lower gears aren’t in the same plane and they’re both just meshed with the one on top but not with each other.

With the whole racing suit there’s pretty much no place to hit that’ll actually hurt I’m guessing.

Over here it’s done mostly because of crime. Women, especially, don’t want to be seen driving alone so they tint every window very dark.

That always happens to me on rental cars, I’d say cars that illuminate the cluster all the time should have automatic headlamps.

Not in the US.

It’s worse, it’s gotten to the point where I live where people tint their windshields so much they can barely see out of their cars after dark so it is very very common to see assholes with their high beams on all the time, as well as additional lights and LED light bars (but usually no brake lights, go figure).