Dickie Crickets Megaphone

Calling someone the worst kind of person for their fandom seems kinda counterintuitive when you’re the one acting like an asshole. Just something you should think about.

I have an 8 year old that I routinely lock out of the router so she can’t watch shit-ass YouTube videos on her laptop.

“I can’t get to the Internet!”
“Yeah, I locked you out for being a dick.”
“Eat shit, pumpkin. This is a House of Laws.”

Listen, nobody on this site is interested in facts. You pick a stance and then, MAYBE, look at facts.

the charge generally relates to what evidence the prosecution has and can prove beyond a reasonable doubt, as well as what the state’s law requires to prove each element of murder. Generally, murder requires preconceived intent to cause great bodily harm.

...or 46, on which he made 28 (60.3%). You tried it though!

And yet, here you are, commenting on the season-ending discussion of the show. Noice.

Former Indiana OL Bernard Taylor (graduated ‘14) called in to ESPN’s The Right Time on Thursday telling  how being rushed back from injury gave him arthritis in his hand at 23.

“My son turned 10 just the other day

Ugh- your last line. You were doing so well!

Imagine how hard it must be to be an announcer for a Greek basketball team: “Antetokounmpo dribbles to the front court, passes in to Stephanopolis, back to Anteto... to Gianadaka... over to ... to... and number 5 with the layup.”

“There is zero allowable medical exemption for this per the NFL; however, there clearly should be,”

And have far less blood on their hands than any American president. So the next time you see some hipster in an Obama t-shirt....

Now playing

The Cuban ex-pat community is one of the most reactionary political demographics in the United States. They’re one of the only identifiable groups of voters of color who went for Donald Trump in the election. So I don’t expect more from Le Batard. But you might note that the “murderous killer” you’re indicting via

No the block in the example by Shaq doesn’t count. Even though he may have prevented one point. As you said there has to be a shot attempt and there isn’t a shot attempt on a shooting foul unless the shooter makes it. I can understand the player who committed the foul doesn’t deserve the stat, but a second party

I had no idea that blocks still counted after a player was fouled and still threw up a shot. If it doesn’t count as a shot attempt if the player misses, but does if he/she makes it, it doesn’t make a lot of sense that a block should count when there technically wasn’t a shot attempt. In addition, I feel like a pass

Why is notre dame still talked about like a prestige program? They have 1 national title in 30 years. That’s the same number of fake girlfriends by players. Two students have died on their watch. The Rudy movie also sucked. What am I missing here?

You are right about the failings of replay but it has to stay. Even a flawed replay system is better than none at all. These problems can and should be fixed. Full time refs, more and better cameras, sensors on the ball for easier spots when challenged, etc.

If it’s that close, you let them play and correct your mistake later. You don’t make a mistake that’s uncorrectable.

cool man

(Saturnalia, Sol Invictus, and the Germanic pagan celebrations for the Winter Solstice are a huge influence on *traditions* connected to Christmas via purposeful translation to Christianity, but the meme that the early Church merely set the day to capture a pagan holiday just isn’t true. What the early Church was far