Dickie Crickets Megaphone

Serious question, is it annoying due to the sound? I’ve never even seen people other than on the internet so it, so am curious why people get so annoyed by kids playing a silly game that isn’t dangerous? We used to play bloody knuckles with quarters in high school and would mangle each other which I could see teachers

Good call, that made me angry when I heard it the other day

Ya know, when Deadspin has a typo in the opening sentence it’s almost not surprising anymore, but you’re better than than that Jalop

Ok then, enlighten me please.

It’s amusing to think that we are a rich country, yet have been bankrupt since the 30's, we sit here with north or $20 trillion in debt (that’s just what we are told it is, and is likely much higher) and are issued fiat currency that comes with debt attached to each and every bill printed, debt that is passed on to us

Damn Trenchant, you are really fired up over there. You must have more important things to be concerned with and go on tirades about than where a blogger sticks an edit concerning information of very little overall importance (though certainly relevant) relating to the article.

Ohh ok, my reading comprehension was clearly lacking this morning.

I had no idea that blocks still counted after a player was fouled and still threw up a shot. If it doesn’t count as a shot attempt if the player misses, but does if he/she makes it, it doesn’t make a lot of sense that a block should count when there technically wasn’t a shot attempt. In addition, I feel like a pass

Pepperidge farms main factory is in my hometown, oh how I miss the smell coming from there.

I see four colors in that logo, black, white, blueish gray, and gold. Where is the red?

Don’t feed the troll, that is all.

Don’t feed the troll my peops

Doesn’t UH have a pretty legit chance of getting into the Big 12?

does Herman really want to go to Texas? A school where he has been regarded a hot commodity, then garbage, now a hot commodity again from week to week? Who wants that in their life, when you are considered a god where you are currently at? I know it’s a virtual lock that he’ll leave UH for UT if/when they come

I said 3-4 years ago that football had a shelf life of 15-20 years absolute Max, but thought it would be closer to 15 years or less, and my friends, family and whoever else I said that to called me a lunatic bc footbaw is America’s sport. But we are getting closer and closer to the point where allowing your children

There’s not much to argue when arms dealing is likely the most profitable industry on the planet.

Yes, I know it makes little sense to keep starters in when your up 28 with less than 5 min to play. But let’s keep in mind that this is a super young team, trying to find an identity, and cohesion as a unit. In addition, they played 38ish minutes, which for early 20 something’s is not a big deal at all. If he’s still

I’m not saying it needs to be a shouting match of dumb hot takes, just people with different perspectives voicing their opinions more often. It is/was so skewed to liberal views in the run up to the election, that even a person like myself, who regards Rep.’s and Dem’s as two sides of the same coin, is annoyed by the

Probably my biggest qualm with DS is the fact that they used to break big stories, and do real investigative sports journalism. Like you said, sometimes it was serious, sometimes just fun, and it’s how I got hooked on the site to begin with, and is no where to be seen these days.

While I could not care less about republicans or democrats, and see them for what they are, two sides of the same coin, both of whom answer to the same corporate and bankster masters, I agree with this post as DS and The Ringer are so vehemently liberal that I find myself not ever going to The Ringer (though there are