
I can only explain the comp variants.

Honestly, I love all these p-car variants but I cannot for the life of me keep track of what the fuck is what. Can we get a top to bottom list with some sort of logical ranking? (most badass to most mid-life crisis for example)

Only if you get two “of the big ones” from harry’s.

On behalf of Abarth owners everywhere, thank you! Watching people jump all over a car gives the same reaction I have when I see models crawling all over a car for a photo shoot. Get off of the car you idiots!!

Get off the cars you twits! My Abarth would like me to post the following in revenge:

The engine was replaced with a faster Porsche engine

OK. Cheesy cult classic! :)

I picture a good Knight Rider reboot, where Michael is chasing a perp who just jumped into a car and KITT rolls up behind Michael, who opens the roof, and Micheal flips into the car, “After ‘em, KITT!”

Now playing

It’s from a really cheesy movie from 1979 called The Warriors. You didn’t miss much.

This video was painful. When they landed, you could see the dents. It’s an ok idea, but... Abarths were harmed in the making of this film.

How to make an awesome Abarth advert:

Incorrect. Mr. Fusion only powers the time circuits and the flux capacitor, but the internal combustion engine runs on ordinary gasoline; it always has.

Challenge Accepted.

I think this is aimed more at race teams than the typical home sim enthusiast. For lower tier teams it’d be an affordable way to get their drivers more seat time between live sessions. Just like how F1 drivers prepare for a race.

COTD nominee!


Just goes to show. I don’t care how much money you pour into a car. When you get em on the roof they don’t handle for shit.

She’s too hot

I wonder if setups like this might be enough to bring back the concept of the video arcade. Maybe not since they’re a whole lot more expensive than the typical cabinet and played for longer than a few minutes for a quarter.

Was the driver Moening in pain?