
You don’t really need to be very deep into mexican culture or even food, chances are that if you ever seen a Tamal in a store, they will have conchas somewhere in the pastries section. look for the Bimbo and Tia Rosa brands, those are the most commonly found in the USA.

I’m impressed that you being from Texas don’t know what a mutherfrikin’ “Concha” is.
They originated in Mexico a long time ago, some people say that they are the real origin of the Melon Pan, some say that it was a case of similar minds thinking alike on both ends of the world at the same time, the truth is still

Fuel is so damn pricey in Germany, my sister lives there and she’s already used to it, but when my parents went visiting her for the first time, my dad offered to pay for fuel since they were getting a place to stay for free.
Never have I seen so much regret on the face of my father, and he’s not a cheap man by any

I’m in Mexico, so Craiglist is barely used here. We have a lot of similar platforms and while I use most of them, when it comes to selling cars, the newspaper with more circulation in the city is always the best bet, if you buy an ad for 3 days it will also grant you a space on their web/app catalog for an extra 12

Granted, it’s pretty standard for these to include the full tank of gas

You know it!
Statistically speaking is kind of “understandable” than a small % of the population didn’t have proper driver’s education or that common sense and basic mechanic knowledge is way over their head.

But dispatchers and officers should know this already, you see the interviews on the news and they are genuinely

Story time:
Back in 2009 while changing the stock airbox in my VW GTI I lost my 10mm socket as it fell from the windscreen scuttle after unintentionally hitting it with an air hose. spent 30 minutes looking for it on every cranny I saw on the engine bay to no avail.
Fast forward to 2011 I’m removing the underbelly cover

7) If the throttle sticks, put the car in Neutral. It’ll sound like you’re going to blow the engine, but you still have brakes and steering and can coast to the shoulder and stop. THEN kill the engine. On some vehicles, killing the engine will lock the steering wheel. Most engines won’t blow due to a speed/rev

If you go with the one HDMI cable per device, buy black cables with colored terminals to always know which cable is connected to which device.

I always thought the Evo variations from Ferrari looked like something Maxi Tuning would have done if they had unlimited funds aesthetically-wise; not denying their track performance, but they looked tacky coming from Maranello.

Came to say this.
That’s easily the part of the FXX-K that I find more appealing, and it looks even better on this new car.

lol, or at least a penis juice stain

Here’s my local track.
Seem’s like they are using the second simplest layout available, effing casuals.
But at least the Kart track on the infield is getting some love in this time of the year.

I sold my just bought Jetta GLI to get out of a tight spot a couple years ago and bought a high miles Civic EX 2009 as a gas-sipping beater and ended up keeping it 5x longer than expected.

Currently unavailable

Currently unavailable

Funny you mention it, I just dug out my Dremacast from the storage boxes last week and started playing it again.

I think you and me are the only people alive who still own a copy of that game, the rest should probably now be doing as landfill somewhere else.
My disc unfortunately was scratched to hell and I had to play with no music at all, but still enjoyed it.

One of my personal favorites, although a bit on the arcade side of things.

Beautiful 172,
I had this one for three years before shoving it under a Camry stopped in the middle of an on-ramp.

And his crazy brother, the Lucino GTR