
I know! think I read about that in an EGM magazine or something, then later proved it with my brother's save and mine

If you fail to resist the torture scene, they kill Meryl, that's why at the ending, you leave the base with Otacon.

That is the classiest way I've ever seen someone to say "wanker". Kudos to you for both class and knowing spanish slang.

Dammit Matt!
I already had one shame-bringer song stuck on my head, there was no need for this.

Tha is a signature move in the Silent Scope franchise

I agree, the Ferrari Tipo 035/5 it's the only engine that can come close to the sheer awesomenes of the Mazda R26B soundwise.

If you buy it new you get the online pass for multiplayer, which I heard it's pretty kickass.
I'm still at around 60% of the main game and haven't touched the multiplayer yet so I can't confirm how good it is.

Working on the house, spending time with the Fianceé and extended family and planning a wedding left me so little time last year (around 4 hours a week) to play video games.
I played something around 20 games, but managed to finish only a few of them, and most were old games in my backlog and some others like SCV, DOA5

I need to know who she is

Heavens! I must acquire that movie this weekend.
thanks you so much.

For reasons beyond my comprehension I know the third one is from Freejack, but from where are the other 3 silly crashes under the rooftop breakdancer?

Thanks, I knew I wasn't the only one that noticed that. I really like it

Just say NO to vertical videos

2.) Jaguar E-Type

I need this developers to move forward so I can get a single steering wheel for all my consoles

That was hilarious

I just wonder how effective is that kind of mask or if they are just a placebo

This is fantastic!
I was getting tired of Fry, plus, I remember that cartoon

I don't care what Travis said about the C7, I'm sure he was thinking in a Volvo Wagon the whole time, and that face confirms it.

I was about to post the same. No disrespect to Matt, but that's some serious accusation there.