I'm not even mad that it's a 5-door, man, that looks gorgeous.
I'm not even mad that it's a 5-door, man, that looks gorgeous.
Found this on the Black Friday section on Amazon
The extra wing in the front and countless exhaust pipes may be silly, but in black makes it look mean as hell
JPS livery is the best
Crap, I thought it was going to be an online deal.
The Last of Us ($25) | Walmart
You have my vote for best car/girlfriend analogy ever
The old PC sims from Sierra (Indycar and NASCAR) had these features. it was infuriating when the engine blew or the gearbox crapped after an hour or so of race.
I'm curious on what cities have you been.
I'm getting the feeling that you need to know a bit more of Mexico aside from alcohol fueled spectators from the border line in the middle of the desert.
Even worse.
There is no wheel set compatible with the X Bone yet.
It's one of the main selling points.
Never really thought about that, but you're right.
When I was making my Tron costume I was looking into using EL tape, and had to ditch the plan because it would had been over 500 dlls just for the tape alone.
Wonder why they don't just use EL tape
I'm still on the fence with this one.
That being the case, it makes me feel a bit more calm because the laser will suffer less wear, but that also means that the HDD is taking a heavier load.
The problem with streaming from a disc is that it poses a great bottleneck in term of reading speed for textures and models if you already have memory filled with other processes, so not only levels will load slower, but you will have choppier animation, textures and models popping up in front of you because of that.
My father is another of those rare living stories of how not following safety measures saved his life.
He fell asleep on a long trip on the mountains long time ago, the pickup crashed into the guardrail and after the first roll he was tossed out of the cabin.
After a about a hundred feet of downhill rolling the truck…
I know that this would drive my fianceé insane... and probably me too, but I have to admit that is a good one.
I love that show, but are you serious? 11 minutes of Al opening the front door lol