sensual farmer

Yeah, io9 is a pretty tame place.

I can see that to an extent.

I'll say, as a newer commenter, that there's a lot less vitriol on Deadspin than I'd assumed I was going to get into. I think the comment quality for the most part here overshadows the rest of Gawker Media, at the very least in civility.


You succeed.

Understandable. An empty nest can be all too easily taken for granted.

I learned that the hard way, believe me.

Nice. Any luck on that Electric President hunt?

The Burner minions continue their work.

That was a nice surprise of an album. Really liked "Citizen."

Fair enough. This isn't some game where parity is involved- and I think it doesn't help there's an approved "GrungeBanjo" already out there.

Yeah, I don't know. It's kinda handy. My especially shitty jokes stay unseen.

I believe you are thinking of Robert Helenius.

I am ninja.

[redacted comment, didn't realize attempted Uggla bumping occurred in Denver]

This is the largest gathering for a Giant bobblehead since Barry Bonds' retirement.

[reads article]

Unsurprisingly, Jewish Sports Stars didn't offer Braun a penny for his thoughts on the news.