
The thing for me is that people see themselves as being divorced from the animals we share this world with. We aren’t. We’re related. Both the good... and the bad.

You know, I thought there were a surprising amount of African proverbs about wanting to bang Walt Whitman.

After your last image, I... I have to post this:

tom cant eat those things because heis in fact a fancy dog

Anyone else wonder how long their marriage would have lasted if he had lived?

Or nah.

Rob would be one of those victors that just hid in a tree until everyone else killed each other.

Plus, even if you have access and money, if you don’t have storage, that’s another huge barrier. With less perishable stuff like diapers or paper towels, I suppose you can pile it up somewhere, but if you’ve got a couple with a child living in a one bedroom, there aren’t going to be many corners to stash things into.

Slow cooker is also good.


Saw the author was HamNo, assumed the answer was to watch society crumble around you, then use those crumbles as a sweet topping.

Oh did you fall for that “I love myself” post from last week? jk

But wait... I thought Kim was all about embracing her imperfections now and promoting self love and all that?

Also the woman who cannot successfully crack eggs into a pan without basically getting half of it straight into the burner and the shell blowing shrapnel in fifty directions.

Well... at least she isn’t one of those I-don’t-understand-how-life-works commercial people?

You forgot something.

All those baby bunnies that that lady and her mom bottle fed for months died almost immediately when released into the wild...

The most hilarious scenario is Republicans stop the nomination of a new Justice, Hilary wins and nominates Obama.
I’m pretty sure I’d die laughing.