
Not enough for my gal Hill to win, I want her to crush him and salt the earth where he lays so none of his ridiculous family ever rises again.

I wish the election was today...

I AM TOTALLY CHARMED! Timmy K is growing on me. Still not sure if he can ever replace Joey B in my heart though.

I agree. Broaddrick’s conduct is very strange.

I don’t know if Bill Clinton raped her or not, but I do find it odd that she seems to focus so much on ruining Hillary’s career over the issue. Her evidence that Hillary even would have known about the incident is shaky at best - Hillary shook her hand and said thank you, in what was perceived to be a menacing tone?


She will. These mouth-breathers don't realize that they, much like Boers in SA, are on the wrong side of history and history will brutally wash them away from the scenery.

This is too much. This has really, really gone too far.

Same and I’m not at all ashamed of that.

I know, but don’t feel bad if you like her! I do! COME AT ME, BROS.

She reminds me of me, an earnest but awkward wonk. :(

Same. She reminds me a lot of my mom.

Dude, chill.

She’s soaring in the polls and her lead will increase to double digits after the debates.

I feel weird for liking Hillary Clinton. I knows it's an unpopular position. She reminds me of my mom in a good way.

yes, if I can’t get toy that I want, you won’t get toy that you want

I have tried, but I still can’t understand the “I love Bernie, which means I hate Hillary so much I’ll vote for Trump” process.

FUCK, Bernie fans. FUCK. I was with you. I was all about Bernie. But we are in precarious times and this is a do-or-die election. The next president will appoint a fucking supreme court justice, FFS. THAT IS VERY IMPORTANT. STOP BEING DUMBASS CHILDREN AND DO YOUR PART TO MAKE SURE THIS ELECTION DOES NOT GIVE US TRUMP.

The way I look at it, the biggest issue with this scandal is that it, yet again, shows that Clinton doesn’t trust anyone other than herself and her inner circle. Which is somewhat understandable, because of how much shit she’s gone through, but also does lead to real messes like this.