
This sounds like the fantasy of a high school student. You really don’t understand politics very well.

Hillary was heard on the mic telling Sanders, “That was so great!”

This actually makes me ill. I cannot believe this is legal. Seeing this suffering dog breaks my heart. Why on earth would someone do this? And why does the media cover this? Total exploitation.

This is what a real revolution looks like. Rep. John Lewis is fucking hero.

It might have been a “dumb” question, but his behavior toward her while she was trying to ask the question was not good. The whole finger-wagging “Excuse me! Excuse me! Excuse me!” schtick is really tiresome. He did that to Hillary, too, and it’s not a good look. But many women are enchanted with him. Why I’ll never

And this is exactly why his wild spending bothers me so much. He spent $46 million in March alone. And he used campaign donations to fund a wildly extravagant trip to Rome, bringing along his entire family and an entourage of about 50 people on a chartered jet. (Cost estimates around $500,000.) And paying Tad Devine

But no one wants to report this part:

Jon Ralston, who watched the whole debacle, has a much more accurate report. And this is the most important part:

I would LOVE it if Booker were her running mate. But, sadly, I agree with Beet Arthur that she shouldn’t choose anyone in the Senate. We’ll need every Senator we have if she’s president. A shame because she and Booker have GREAT chemistry together and he would help to soften her image. Considering that she is now the

OK. Your mom might be able to break ME, but I’m pretty certain my 81-year-old, Clinton-supporting socialist mom could kick your mom’s ass. She had to deal with angry, red-faced, finger-wagging, dismissive men like BS throughout her working career in the ‘60s, ‘70s and ‘80s. She can smell a misogynist a million miles

Your response to my comment is a total non-sequitur, but OK. And how exactly is Sanders going to “be better for poor people”? According the the non-partisan Tax Policy Center’s tax calculator, Sanders plans to tax the hell out of the poor. You realize there’s more to being president than promising goodies to everyone

“ladies always lie, but old men just are cute and don’t mean to misspeak.” That sums it up perfectly. Hillary has made a TON of gaffes and they should be called out. But Sanders has made a TON of gaffes, too, and they are rarely called out. Gawker’s cutesy take on the New York Daily News interview debacle was a

Excellent question! I kind of wrote a synopsis on another post, and I can’t WAIT for Gawker/Jezebel to write their expose! I’m sure they have a whole team working on it! They’d certainly have a team working on it if it were Hillary!

I think I’m in love with you. The best comments I’ve ever read on Jezebel. BY FAR.