
Okay please explain this shade to me. I am a white woman and have been to Ghana several times, I have a deep love for the culture and people, as well as the beautiful landscape. From my perspective, no Ghanaians have an issue or provide shade when I am there. Obviously I stick out like a sore thumb and am stared at

Internet Woman Shits All Over Famous-ish Person Using Her Resources to Actually Help People, And Though She Might Be Blind to the Ways Her Privilege Shapes Her Perspective, It’s Still Far More Than Internet Woman Will Do

Bernie wasn’t even a fucking democrat until just a short time before he decided that the year the woman, was running was his one chance to try out a presidential campaign. Of course the DNC wasn’t paying him as much attention - he was new to the party. He had all the time he wanted to learn how things ran, the rules

Right?! I get that they’re upset their candidate lost. But... He lost. Move on. Beat fucking Trump.

I don’t understand the argument against closed primaries. Caucuses are far more un-democratic and isn’t it logical for members of a political party to choose their own nominee? Anyone is free to register for whatever party they would like to have a voice in.

Oh FFS. Sanders was not polling with any kind of real support at the time this stuff was written. It’s not unfair to support a strong front runner to try to make sure a Dem gets the nod. You know what Sanders supporters? HRC was also favored early on in 2007/8. You know what, a black man named Barack Hussein Obama

This is a super good use of the DNC’s time this general election.

Especially because the body grows hair there for hygienic reasons! Like armpit or head hair the hair traps and disperses bacteria and sweat. So remember kids, a hairy snatch is a clean snatch.

Its kinda disturbing that some women think pubic hair is dirty or unhygienic or whatever.

I think it’s sad that adolescent girls find hair unnatural and are shamed for it. I am PRO everyone caring for their hair as they see fit, without shame.

Well, as someone who stopped shaving, I’m pretty sick of everyone telling me I’m unhygenic/gross/ugly/smelly and lazy because I have hair. I’m also tired of seeing dudes (who probably wouldn’t go down anyway) claim any hair on a woman is the reason they won’t eat her out.

It’s also important to remember that Obama only beat McCain by 7.2%, and that was an electoral blowout. Or perhaps to put it a slightly different way, even after 8 years of Bush II, slightly less than 46% of the country still voted (R). It should not be surprising, nor (quite as) panic-inducing to venture that Trump

Also, 1) national polls are less important than swing state polls where Clinton is performing well, and 2) Quinnipac has been criticized in the past for underpolling POC.

Thank you for posting this. I hate seeing people flip out over one really good or really bad poll. The average is what matters and Clinton is markedly ahead. Unfortunately, this is the best metric we have until we start getting consistent polling of the individual battleground states.

I was going to say, yesterday I read Clinton was pulling ahead by larger margins.

In visual form, and with an equivalent shrug:


As dog lover, i feel like...this dog just is probably not enjoying life at this point? Oozing sore, tumor in the mouth, blind, incontinent, 17 years old, and for 3 years in a row its owner drags the poor thing to be put on display as the worlds ugliest dog?

Yeah, people’s perspectives tend to change once you use misrepresentations to justify your supporters’ use of misogyny and threats and then refuse to concede after you’ve lost.

John Lewis is a national fucking treasure.