
You say that, but has Hillary ever read one single word of Two Corinthians?

Implying that Obama is a secret Muslim/Kenyan helped get him the Republican nomination. He’s just going with what’s worked in the past. It is pretty hilarious to see Donald Trump, of all people, question other politician’s religious commitments, but even better to pastors taking him at face value.

Castro is my pick too. She has the Latino vote locked all the way down because Trump is a maniac. But she’s enough of a political creature to understand the benefits of locking it down for a generation with a smart and strategic VP/future President. Plus it wouldn’t be pulling anyone from Congress.

I’m not a huge fan of the Warren idea. I think she’ll do more good in the senate.

“We’re fighting against too much government spending, unless our guy does it, in which case, it’s peanuts!”

Yep, she’s the only Dem that voted for the Iraq war.

I never really understand this argument about Hillary being a warmonger. Maybe she is, but you do realize that the Secretary of State doesn’t just... go around independently making policy decisions right? That anything she did in that position was directed by President Obama and his administration? Honestly, if

But this “ton of followers” didn’t get him the presumptive nomination. So in other words, whatever the gender, the right person.

He’s a Dem candidate. He lost. If he wants to continue to run, then he needs to renounce the party he is a candidate for.

Whoa, wh0a, whoa. This site has been pretty impressive in NOT having a bias towards Clinton. I would venture to say that Gawker as a whole has actually been biased TOWARDS Sanders.

Lol. Oh yes, the secret service budget will immediately flow into Clintons appearance budget. GTFO.

Of course it’s a drop in the bucket, but don’t tell me for a second that if the rolls were reversed Sanders supporters wouldn’t jump on this as another opportunity to paint Clinton as being wasteful and out-of-touch with the working man. He needs to drop out. He’s not nearly as close as Clinton was to Obama in ‘08,

Ah, yes, because funds for Secret Service details get converted to funds for people’s clothes. What are you smoking?

Absolutely. Sanders has never been the selfless deity his supporters wanted to beleive him to be. He's an ego driven political animal who wants to win because he wants to win. He always has been.

A million stars for this. No, a gazillion stars. You are right. This isn't the will of the people, this is ego and a career politician doing whatever it takes to keep his name in the press.

I was having a debate in step with this the other night. My main point is that it’s troubling that Sanders is continuing a campaign supposedly to exercise the will of the people, but the people have spoken and they didn’t pick him. To continue on with this just shows he’s not really that different from every other old


Things like this make me feel like his refusal to concede are purely egotistical.

Sanders didn’t support gay marriage until 2009. Positions evolve. Deal with it. Clinton and Sanders positions on this have tracked in line with the opinions of the Democratic constituency, which also took a long time to come around. Pew has tracked this issue in polls since 2000. A majority of self-identified