
I assume she is, at least partly, worried about down ballot votes and doesn’t want people to stay home and mess up those races.


Sanders is worse than fucking Ralph Nader.

but ... if they aren’t legit ... why do you care who they vote for ...?

It’s “too late” for Bernie Sanders to win the nomination. Honestly, I always find it hilarious when a guy who has been a member of congress since 1990 gets to claim he is not part of the establishment, but an organization which gets bombed, or attacked by gun man, or whose employees have to vary their route home less

NO, I’ve got CNN in the background and his surrogates keep saying that she is not the nominee until the convention and alot could happen in 50 days. They’re also repeating their superdelegate talking point. It’s been my habit lately to just post this as a rebutal:


Honestly, I feel like we can let him have tomorrow and when he loses California, then he can concede. It would be a little more ceremonious that way and I’ll give him that.

Soooo... Bernie is going to concede now, and tell his people to support Hillary, right?

If that was the case then 3 million Americans are also anti-semetic since that’s how many more have voted for Hillary than Bernie.

i can’t wait until Bernie concedes, endorses Hillary, campaigns for her, and we can all have a laugh at all this primary season silliness.

Sanders attacked Clinton for her support for fracking, the war in Iraq, her overall support for military intervention in other countries, and the Clinton foundation taking donations from foreign governments like Saudi Arabia. And he criticized the superdelegate system as a whole, saying it allowed Clinton to get

I will never be a Clinton fan and I voted for Bernie in the state primary. That said, Bernie,

Oh, Abe.......I mean Bernie, it’s time to go.

After Jane got that $200k golden parachute for being fired from her university job because she was misrepresenting donations to the government, she got used to free money. Can you blame her?

Not to mention he’s notoriously thrifty with his personal Senate staff even though it’s not his money. (Every office gets a set amount to divvy up however they choose - some like to give a lot of it back as a political stunt even though no one would care if the kid taking angry constituent calls all day made 35k in

It was such a bizarre trip. He claimed he was fighting to win NY, and yet left the state for a trip that literally would have no impact on the primary. Maybe he knew he wouldn’t win, and is now just enjoying the attention/money.

$500K = 18,518.52 Bernie Units ($27 donations).

What the fuck are you talking about? She was mentioned in the article once.

Bravo to KWTX!