
Worse, it appears they all did this because federal IT was so damned bad. I mean, that’s what it looks like to me, and the fact that her server wasn’t hacked by that hacker but he got in over at the feds is just damned disturbing.

This needs to not be in the gray!

I don’t have to make things easier. Either you agree that Trump has no business being anywhere near the Whitehouse or you don’t. If you don’t want a President Trump, vote with the party. It’s a simple notion.

Yep, I thought Bernie was great but if you run on a platform of moral superiority (Hillary doesn’t, she runs on a platform of being an effective politician) then, yeah, it’s kind of alienating when you act in a way that is either hypocritical (see the Superdelegates) or puts your own ambition in front of your supposed

Oh, I get it... Bern.

but then someone did something mean.

I feel you! Same here, caucased for Bernie, volunteered, and donated money. Was treated like pond scum by my fellow Bernie supporters because my Hillary hate quotient was insufficient. Have had more polite and reasoned discussions with Hillary supporters than my fellow Bernie fans. Am now officially in the neutral/

After all that has happened, his tepid response is the one thing to finally make me regret voting for him back in my state’s primary.

How was she a victim? Really, I want to hear. It was consensual.

Y’know... I caucused for Bernie. I gave money to his campaign. I went to one of his rallies. And I agree with you 100%. I am appalled at his lack of response to how disgustingly some of his supporters are behaving, and I am extremely turned off at his current scorched-earth campaign strategy.

This election is toppling into mania, mob mentality and frenzied threat-making on every side.

Does it honestly not bother you that Bernie supporters are sending death threats to a woman who, as far as I can tell, was just doing her job? I get wanting to have positive coverage of your preferred candidate, but any coverage of the event that leaves out the booing and death threats is still pretty slanted - it’s

This. I have unfollowed and unfriended more Bernie zealots than Trump supporters at this point. I voted Bernie and have been chewed out by his supporters for being a Hillary shill this entire time. The fact that I could ever criticize Bernie is sacrilegious. I have experienced the Bernie Bro, first hand and many

I’m acquantainces with a die-hard Bernie supporter and am friends with him on Facebook. He was recently quoted in a Huffington Post article because he has a Facebook group trying to encourage people to march on the Dem convention to probably this exact end.

The lack of organizing has been the death of the Sanders campaign. They put all their money into huge rallies, TV ads, and internet presence. They trained no one. His supporters do not understand the process, so they’re all ready to believe whatever ridiculous conspiracy theory or imaginary delegate math scenarios

Also, Clinton won the NV primary election. Nothing was being stolen from these people. Blame the Sanders ground game for not having its delegates be prepared and follow the rules.

SHHH! The opinion polls show he will totes beat Trump more than she’ll beat Trump, and between that and the results of a bunch of small state caucuses and the last few contests where Clinton hasn’t spent any money against Sanders, they should totally ignore the will of the voters!

Oh. sorry had my BernieLogic chip

But they weren’t wrong. It was a bunch of people who didn’t bother to learn the rules and therefore thought they were getting screwed.

He’s starting to look more and more like Gollum. He got a brief hold of the ring and now he really wants it apparently. I think he actually comes across as a righteous dick in interviews and his extremist supporters are so riled up now they are crying persecution and flocking to Trump just to be petulant dicks.

Is this really what you wanted when you started this, Bernie?