
Ok. I do keep quiet on this every time it pops up on Jez, but... there is no proof he did anything. If he were a child molester, he would’ve most likely struck several times. He’d’ve converted to Catholicism, rather than railing against the religion for years. Fine: He married into his perversion, so he never needs to

She’s so smug. I’m starting to really dislike her. And how quickly the world forgets there was an investigation of Allen and the accusations were dismissed. I don’t care for Woody Allen’s movies but I do believe this part of Mia’s lifelong plan to destroy him. Very few people who are old enough to remember the case in

Bernie Sanders SHOULD HAVE run as a 3rd party candidate but wanted to make use of the big Democrat machine: money & exposure. So while Bernie is NOT a Democrat, he is running as a Democrat. Hmmmm.

Yep, because once you get a “dishonest” narrative to stick, it’s really hard to get rid of it. You say you’re not a liar? Of course you’d say that! You’re a known liar! This is yet another lie!

Except everything they have done is working. Listen to the Bernie Bros who hate Hillary Clinton.


What’s true? That there were a ton of “-gate” scandals aimed at the Clintons? Sure. That there was ever any basis in reality for any of them? Not really.

Actually that’s not at all what happened. From snopes:

i would love booker as VEEP

This doesn’t tell me how he’ll pay for health care, tuition help, and other campaign promises. They’re great ideas, but they cost a lot of money and require buy-in from Congress.

Hey we all have our opinions. Its what makes life interesting. I was on board with trying to understand you until you said

I thought that too—and I still think that—but I hope everyone tones it down on the cheap shots. Those are not good for the general election.

Don’t be sad. Clinton was always a presumptive winner for this race. She’s a great candidate, even if we wanted a more liberal one; and the competitiveness and momentum of the Democratic race is good for all of us.

I love this woman! Let’s happy dance, Hils.

And congrats to you for your ideological and moral purity. Enjoy not being in power, because that allows you to maintain such purity, and that is clearly important to you.

Get OFF the stage, Bernie. Turn out the lights...your party is over.

I’m glad. As much as I love everything Sanders stands for I just don’t think he is capable of doing any of the things he wants to.

Not looking forward to the sour grapes “Hilary is the same as the GOP” false narrative from disgruntled Bernie supporters that will end up putting Trump in office a la Bush. The GOP benefits so much from Democrats helping to convince their own that a candidate that supports gay rights. Women’s rights, abortion, gun