
I can’t wait to see all those bearded hipsters storming the senate and guillotining everyone in sight during their revolution. Except they’ll be home with their xbox hoping someone else can be bothered.

But according to state Board of Elections Data, just 14,000 new Democrats registered out of 6 million voters statewide between November and August. “That’s not a lot,” said Barbara Bartoletti, the legislative Director for the League of Women Voters of New York State.

There were only 14,000 new registered voters? Wow. Where did you read that? You’d think by the bernie cacophony there’d be millions.

They are fools. These contests are for parties to nominate a candidate. They only have a case for voter suppression if they are prevented from voting in the general election. They have a right to vote in the general election, but they do not have a constitutional right to vote in primaries as parties are not public

If one more Bernie bro tells me I just haven’t read the right article otherwise I’d be a convert too, I am going to scream

PREACH sister!

You know what’s most hilarious about this? Sanders supporters are going to be the ones most impacted by this because Hillary wins Democrats over him. Sanders groupies are always smugly chiding people to “do their research” but couldn’t be bothered to do the research in the states in which they want to vote. The New

I’m shocked at how bearable this comment section is.

It’s like how periodically everyone freaks out about the delegate system...but only when it’s hurting to who they want to win. It’s an insane system but since it’s largely ignored for the 3.5 years in between elections, why do we suddenly expect it to be different.

I live in prime Bernie territory in New York and work in the arts and so a good majority of Facebook friends from work and my neighborhood are Bernie people. And when I checked my Facebook feed this morning I saw a million posts from those folks about “voter suppression” and the last I checked someone posted about a

This is also funny because of the big “Bernie or Bust” movement. You say you’re interested in change and will remain consistently engaged and make the change happen...yet you’ve stated you’re going to abandon the electoral process if guy doesn’t get the nom. That’s not how that works. At all.

YES, thank you. This is definitely special little snowflakes wanting to have their cake and eat it too. Either disavow parties and, depending on your state, your role in the primary process or fucking register as a Democrat for fuck’s sake. Either way, don’t offensively shout “OMG Voter Suppression!!!1!11!!!” like an

But I should be allowed to vote when I want, where I want, however many times I want! I'm sick of the establishment with all its rules, specifically designed to prevent me from destroying the establishment! It's a conspiracy!

Plus I have a hard time sympathizing with registered independents in closed primary states. Not wanting to be labeled even though there are literally no consequences or obligations associated with party affiliation feels so ridiculously precious and self indulgent. Registering with a party is even less onerous than

this is very different from the Bernie bros I know (and I know quite a few): their hallmark trait seems to be cynicism. to hear them talk Bernie would have everyone’s approval if it weren’t for the evil media not giving him the coverage he deserves. furthermore, there’s a marked air of defeat, on a personal level,

I’m so glad the NY primary is going to be over so I don’t have to hear idiots who feel like they shouldn’t have to follow the rules whine about “voter suppression”. No a closed primary that only allows party member to choose the candidate for that party is not suppression. You not bothering to look up the rules is not

“Have you *met* people?!”

Good work. I can only assume Gawker is sticking with the idea that “ladies always lie, but old men just are cute and don’t mean to misspeak” as the reason they decided not to do anything about this story. Or the story where Bernie supporters threw dollar bills at Hillary because she’s a corporate ‘whore’?

The guy was pointing right at her. jeez

When she talks policy, I am a fangirl. I love smart people so much, it makes me woozy.