
^ from my Twitter TL.

Honestly, I really disagree that Jezebel is pro-Hillary. Were they a year ago? Maybe. Definitely in the 2012-2014 era before she started running. But I don’t see a lot of pro-Hillary posts these days, and I absolutely read this post as pro-Bernie. It seems to be blaming this gaffe on the “vulture media” and meanwhile,

Standing ovation. I am so sick of this “Hillary is basically Reagan in a wig!” shit. She’s voted with Bernie 93% percent of the time. She seems to truly prioritize women’s access to reproductive healthcare, which is basically my #1 issue when voting. Hell, she actively blocked the nomination of an FDA head over OTC

Kudos to working at PP. Going to work there every day is a fucking act of protest in the current climate, so you’re awesome. And you remind me how I just dismissed a berniebot for snidely telling me Hillary is “conservative on every issue that matters!” as though reproductive rights don’t even exist in his fucking

The point is that a lot of the stories out of Gawker have been incredibly biased towards Bernie. Which, I suppose, is fine. You folks have your own political opinions and you’re certainly entitled to promote your candidate. Just be upfront about it. I mean look at this article. You’re essentially telling us that the

The thing is a lot of these Bernie bros, like Bernie himself, aren’t Democrats and wouldn’t normally vote for a Democrat. They’re the ones who tell you Obama is a war criminal and how there’s no difference between the two parties. They’re not bothered by things like reproductive rights, gay marriage, or getting thrown

This comment is just ... ugh. It’s like there is a vacuum of self-awareness around Bernie and many of his supporters. And every time I hear someone say that women are only voting for Hillary because she’s a woman it makes me crazy. I am supporting Hillary Clinton because of her demonstrated leadership on women’s

Exactly. Methinks Jezebel should think twice about how loaded the word ‘whore’ is before whoring themselves out to those BernieBros.

Not to hijack this discussion, but the most fascinating part of this for me is watching Bernie supporters defend this even after Bernie told them it was wrong.

Come on. Someone, tell me again that “Bernie Bros” don’t exist and how he and his followers aren’t misogynistic ass bags.

You're a fucking idiot if you think he wasn't talking about Hillary Clinton. Don't be a fucking idiot.


He blatantly called a Hillary a whore. Nice little article Joanna, claiming it's only a little thing. I hate to see Gawker throwing feminism by the wayside to not forcefully defend Hillary

I’m wondering when people will see that so many Bernie fanatics are hateful, condescending, pretentious assholes who believe neither they nor Bernie can do any wrong whatsoever, ever ever Amen.

What kind of normal human being even whips out the word “whores” to use, unless they have some bizarre sexist way that they view a very real problem in government? It’s not a common word. It shouldn’t leap to mind for anyone, except those who conflate sexuality with corruption on a very core level. It’s not even

I’m all for having a giggle every chance I get but I totally agree. This is nothing but more misogyny flung at Hillary yet again. AGAIN. So predictable as to be almost boring at this point. But most definitely not funny.

Oh okay see, I was actually really annoyed by his comment but can tell from your tone that I’m being an over-sensitive harpy bitch who is mos def. not cool like our Lord and Savior Bernie Sanders.

This isn’t nothing and it’s frustrating to have such a dismissive response about it from a blog that’s ostensibly feminist.

Of course they have. They’re praying he can either somehow win or do enough damage that their work will be easier.

Sanders has no real chance in NY he’ll win upstate New York and Hillary will win the city and long island which means she’ll get plenty of delgates and finally put this half of the race out of our collective misery.