
He looks like an earthworm with hair

Bless his inability to wink

I’m only 32, but I am a fan of your likes, and would gladly be your friend if we met in real life.

In Austin I loved, “You’ve pissed off us special snowflakes now: WINTER IS COMING”

Eh, they’ll probably be at least partially replaced by all the first timers titillated by this mention of a new (to them) sex thing (50 shades effect), as well as deplorables trying to be like their leader. The ladies shouldn’t pack their pee in yet...

If you can’t hate watch, probably best to jump ship. Also, it’s more fun with friends, as well as if you bracket it.

You sound awesome. Good job flinging yourself away from the tree!

Fries in frostys, forever

My girlfriend and I will be there too! Way cool that you’re in Austin, I love your commenting.


I’m not religious, but amen.

I feel your struggles. I’m in the same rickety ass boat.

I am a native Austinite who moved to East Austin last year precisely because I am priced out of any non-gentrifying decent housing within an hour’s commute. I live less than 3 miles from my job and due to the terrible city planning it still takes me 45 minutes to get home some days. I’m renting the cheapest back house did this chart

Ew, accurate.

Yeah, I’ve vacationed there. It’s a nice, pretty resort town. Skiing is fun. I wasn’t super impressed with the other nearby towns I visited, though. Too many “faces of meth” types. I’m from Austin, and I wanted a complete change of scenery.

You betcha!

Guessing 50/52 weeks in a year, 70k a year is not a lot. A lot for a skit once a week, yes, but not enough to cover pain and suffering. I’d imagine this will entail a lot of pain and suffering on Baldwin’s behalf.

Yes! This took a ton of time and energy, it wasn’t like this guy was just “accidentally” racist. Fuck people like this!