
That puppy looks like Chris Christie did standing behind Trump in that press conference

OMG thank you for the arm bumpies rec! Just ordered, let’s hope this works!

I like the cut of your jib

Broken waters from forced births, probably

Hi Millenial (1985) here: I’d marry my girlfriend in a heart beat (yay gay marriage legality) if it wouldn’t be an idiotic financial decision. A nurse and an accountant cannot comfortably afford to live within less than an hour’s commute from my work. As it is, I routinely spend 30 to 45 minutes getting home and I

“Lesbian shitasses say no to Trump!” 😂😂😂😂😂

I have a friend who had an abortion with her first husband while they were dating,  and now has 3 kids by her second husband 6 years later, and wants to deny all other women that right, because when she “found Jesus and [her] true husband, [she] couldn’t allow any other woman to make the same selfish choice

This is my absolute favorite color and shade, so I am here for this. Thought nobody would ever get on this train! Loving the Trump dig too.


I wanted to select at least 4 of those answers, but I had to go with my main lez Kate.

Austin Jezzies unite!

Austin march, yes! Same boat as you, but cause I blew all my vacation on mine and my girlfriend’s medical issues

Horrific ad placement they have there 😕

Nah, he straight looks like a serial killer on the good side

Living in Texas, I have this locked and loaded, always.

Yep, this was my Thanksgiving. I was almost a little sad I didn’t get to shred some yokel relative though.

Damn not being able to edit. I speel gud

I know this is a feminist site and so issues affecting solely women are top priority, but can we get a similar areticle for anti LGBTQ legislation?
