
I try to do what I can do when I can do it!

I’m not feeling Drake on this at all. He’s just as exploitative of the black-American experience as anyone else. He has appropriated an approximation of a southern accent, talks about “dropping bodies,” and wants to buy into the Houston stripping industry without having to pay the price of being black in America. He’s

Beyonce should have offered to perform at Trump’s inauguration if he made her head of HUD so that she can pursue what the music industry seems to think is her true calling. I bet he’d kick Ben Carson out right now if she made that offer on Twitter. I would live for that but it would be so great that have nothing else

Beyonce had songs on Lemonade that could have been nominated in other genres. She wasn’t invited to sing at the CMAs for “urban” music.

The whole thing was farcical from beginning to end. She’s rich enough that she can shut down her blog, write a book, and flit off to India so that she doesn’t have to hear criticism. I would love to know if she’s conversant on PM Modhi’s premiership and its impact on the lives of many Indians who are left out. Is she

The saddest thing about him is that he is so dishonest and intellectually vacuous that he cannot make eye contact with his interlocutor. He is fine ranting and saying silly things in front of silly people, but put him at a table with someone and he can’t make eye contact. He couldn’t even look Bill Maher in the eye

What good is having a diverse classroom if nothing is being taught in it? I think that people have to make a decision about whether or not they want to attend institutions where the requirement to graduate is that you take courses where topics or books cover subjects with which you are uncomfortable or you find

There is very little that is radical about a woman who demands people make sacrifices she doesn’t and have to make. How many women can flit off to India to avoid criticism of their work? While I totally agree that many women get pampered by women who are paid slave wages, exposed to toxic chemicals, get no benefits,

Your post really spoke to me. I’m in many categories that attract bigotry, insults, and violence. Sadly, I’ve become totally indifferent to being called a bigot. I used to try to understand and ponder how not to be hurtful because I asked it of others. Then things went way too far and I began to resent the “otherkin”

*takes the stage and bows*

You don’t think cultural expectations impact how teenagers act? We mock it, but there really was a time when kids had to walk five miles up hill in the snow. It is far from our experience and as more comforts were introduced into the world, expectations for everyone were lowered. Almost all of the men in my family of

Someone who can flee to India, where I’m sure everyone who serves her or does anything for her is paid a fair wage, to avoid criticism of her books cannot understand worrying about health insurance and tax benefits. It’s much easier for someone with as much money as she has to tell you to die of treatable diseases or

I know, right? I used to love it when assclowns would make silly racist, homophobic, racist, or sexist things in class (I’m not privileged in any of these groups). I loved it because I loved to bring the hammer down and publicly embarrass them! A classmate said that I would curl my lips into the shape of a mongoose’s

I can’t get down with these “complex” identities some of these people come up with. Sometimes I think they are trolling, but I think that’s just wishful thinking on my apart. I’m not going to indulge every bit of foolishness in this world. They can howl at the moon or try to grow scales to be a dragon all they want,

I am quite aware of all of the “facts” you guys put forward to advance this theory. You need to accept something: all statements about the “lethality” of a dosage of drugs or alcohol are potentially lethal, not definitive statements about their lethality to the victim. And, as you have not gone over every heroin OD to

Have you seen this gem from Darth Rabbit, the person who claims to want to be an ally? This really proves what you and I have been saying. Please take it out of the grey so EVERYONE can see white liberalism in all of its glory. Here it is:

Then stop talking now, shut the fuck up, leave this country, because minorities can not make change on their own. If they no longer are accepting allies then it is time for them to go.

If I hear another thing about how white people were justified in voting for Trump because they have been “left behind,” I’m gonna scream for the thousandth time. Are they serious? Am I supposed to mourn for the loss of jobs to which people of color never had access? Will no one address the racism of most manufacturing

The best way to deal with him was to say, “We actually don’t need or want your uninformed opinion. Please believe us when we say that we have heard your opinion from millions of other people and your adding your name to that chorus of wrongness will not make it any less incorrect and inaccurate. In fact, we’ve heard

You can stop saying woke and realize that serious people are using it sarcastically. Woke is not a new term and it has now reached parody because of so many people all of a sudden becoming experts on social ills and struggles about which they have previously been silent or indifferent.