
Have you ever been a hardcore addict or known one well enough to see how much they can ingest their drug of choice? Statistics on overdoses aren’t particularly instructive because there is no way to account for the tolerance of each addict, the purity of the product they are ingesting (now heroin is being cut with

I can answer that:

Any person of color who encounters an “I don’t see color” fool should run like the wind because that person is a fundamentally dishonest about a fundamental part of your life; is foolish or naive enough to think s/he hasn’t been impacted by media and societal background noise that forces stereotypes and white

What really probably sent him running off screaming was when he learned that Trump’s national security council has, er, unconventional duties. Their first task of the day is not to go over what’s been going on in hot zones; what intelligence has been gathered from human intelligence, phone intercepts, chatrooms,

Where can I sign up for your course and how much?

I feel worse. :(

What’s the tea on Gaga and Bowie?

It’s actually much worse than the article in the Times indicates. Jayne Mayer interviewed the ghost writer of The Art of the Deal and his description of Trump’s attention span, inability to focus, inability to hold a conversation, and other things I can’t even describe, are utterly terrifying. You must read it, but do

But how would the network make millions of dollars selling ads? :(

I appreciate Adele shouting out Bey in her acceptance speech for AOTY, but if you really ‘bout it, call her up on stage and GIVE. IT. TO. HER.

If your employer has a website, ask the webmaster to put, “LPShea’s wife has taken responsibility for her role in her husband’s infidelity” on the homepage.

Alas, these people would find another way to bribe these grifters. Even if we did make lobbying illegal and had public funding for campaigns, they would get to the pockets of politicians. Senator Roy Blunt’s (R-Mo) ENTIRE immediate family have jobs as lobbyists. His wife, daughter, and two sons are in the lobbying

She wants to do it. She said, “If called upon, I will serve.” She also changed her Twitter profile pic to this.

No one mentions that many people crossing our borders from the south are fleeing situations our country has created with our failed drug war, propping up dictators, helping those dictators launder their stolen gains through our banks (this problem is huge and no one addresses it), and driving these countries into

Thank you! I don’t understand the need to engage trolls, especially known trolls. People who do that should be tossed into the greys and some of us stuck in the greys should be given their place. Let them spread their bullshit at Stormfront, Reddit, Breitbart, or Jalopnik.

We will never have meaningful criminal justice reform until we get rid of private prisons. Their lobbying arm is too strong and they give out too much money. They can charge up to $50k a year per bed and get prisoners to work for one cent an hour to make furniture, for example, that companies contract them to make.

Yup. No one would dare say that he failed to do his job because he doesn’t pay attention in intelligence briefings because he was too busy beefing with Nordstrom; diverting manpower, money, resources, and the focus of federal and local law enforcement to enforce his crazy deportation frenzy (this is a huge problem);

Melania is also here illegally. She was in this country undocumented and working a year before she applied for visa. Additionally, she fraudulently obtained a B-1 visa which is for businesses. And, because she was here on a fraudulent visa B-1 visa, she wasn’t here on an H-1B visa which is for work. Not being on an

I love how they follow the rise of fascist regime playbook and then get upset when people point it out. Singling out minorities, extremist nationalism, alternatscreaming about law and order (even as he and his cabinet are in violation of ethics laws and the constitution), threatening to send federal agents to crack

That’s cute and all, but it needs to be challenged by the House Oversight Committee. Trump will be loyal to him and not kick him out because he was one of Trump’s earliest and most rabid supporters. Trump is the one who can give him security clearance or revoke it. The only way to get rid of him would be to hound him