
Jim Jeffries put him in his place. He told him that the only reason he supports Trump is because Trump let him win celebrity apprentice.

This all could have been avoided had she been driving with affluenza or Wealthybola.

Trump is actually pushing them toward the one time they should care about public opinion. Trump is questioning their legitimacy, doing everything possible to convince the public that the judiciary is not a coequal branch of government, and appears to be trying to create a constitutional crisis or perhaps a violent

Thank you! The people who pissed on her and rejoiced at the death of the Clintons are now pressed that she’s not exercising power she doesn’t have. We had a chance to avoid this shit show, but, unlike the people on the right who progressives dismiss as dumb, the left in this country cared too much about the candidate

What, pray you tell, should she be doing? Everyone on the left cheered her defeat and the end of Hillary Clinton. She is blamed for everything. The left treated her like trash, blamed her for things men did, hated the fact that she beat Bernie, spread right-wing lies about her, lied about her record, discounted her

That’s only if you think her point is about Trump taking three Ls. I think it was a reference to the fact that the courts ruled three times against letting the ban on Muslims go into full effect and zero times in favor of allowing it to proceed.

The Republicans can have extremists because they have gerrymandered the fuck out of most states. The odds of a Democrat flipping a red district are slim because they’ve made the red districts very red. Add to that the voter ID laws and the CrossCheck system Republican controlled state governments have contracted to

Sadly, these people very likely breed much more than those of us who don’t think or behave as these assholes do. This may seem a terrible thing to say, but we can only hope that the trend of this demographic of Trump voter will continue its trend toward shorter life expectancy. Donald Trump won the counties with the

This bill is Trump’s next executive order.

When Julia Ioffe wrote a profile of Melania she didn’t like, Trump’s trolls and Brownshirts unleashed a torrent of the ugliest unit-Semitism I’ve seen from Americans.

However, Prime Minister Theresa May is unwilling to cancel the visit. And this makes sense: with Brexit in the works, it is advantageous for Britain to settle a trade deal with America. An official visit to London would likely grease the wheels and facilitate the business negotiations.

The title should be “You All Are Fucked. SAD!”

Except his plan would be corporate giveaways, likely not bound to a schedule (gotta keep the money flowing), and won’t go to all of the states in need. Remember how Republicans blocked emergency relief for Northeast states after Superstorm Sandy destroyed the area, destroyed hospitals, kept elderly people trapped in

I wasn’t. Historically, white women have put white privilege and supremacy over race. And, many of his supporters explained why we shouldn’t be surprised. They like him because “he says what everyone is thinking but no one will say out loud.” The people you thought were your friends and decent people chose Trump as

Everything people have said will become or be a massive problem for Trump never is. Not only will his supporters not care, they will love it. The Republicans in the Congress may express some faux outrage, but now they have what they want: the House, the Senate, and a president who will sign anything they put in front

Kind of hard to hate people for the color of their skin when you share a life with them,

It is reasonable to assume the guy was a target but that intelligence and conditions changed before it was executed. Trump doesn’t listen to actual military or intelligence agencies, so this mission could have been based on information that would have changed its execution or halted it entirely. We’ll never know.

Especially since they continued to reflexively vote for GOP candidates who are union busters, take away the rights of workers, and “job creators” who up and leave once they have no more use for them. They can’t say they voted for change AND vote to reelect almost all of the GOP incumbents.

They are literally getting what they asked for! He promised to do these things and they loved him for it. Now we’re supposed to lament people getting things they ardently wanted? Why should we care about people who are knowingly hustling backwards? We should congratulate them on their win but remind them that based on