
Of course you didn’t because you don’t like hearing that when things don’t go your way and you threaten that you’re going to leave the party, people will eventually tell you to go. You don’t like being confronted with the truth. Don’t read it. Some people will. You guys clearly aren’t happy with the Democratic party.

THEN FUCKING LEAVE. You guys don’t care about vulnerable people. We saw that. You wanted your revolution and you got it at the expense of people who are suffering this very day. You know why Trump won? Because voters who couldn’t stand him, like the Christian right, came out to vote for him because they knew they

Nina Turner was a huge supporter of the Clintons. She took their money for her campaign. Counted on their endorsements. And, she was a huge Hillary supporter until Hillary did not give her the job she wanted on her 2016 campaign. Turner wanted to be the director of African-American outreach, but she didn’t get the

It would be nice if they acknowledged or even knew about his hypocrisy.

You do know that people of color and women, especially black women are the ones who come out and vote for Democrats the most reliably, right? We did our part this election just as we do every election. We selected Hillary for the nominee, by millions more voters than Sanders. Aside from Alaska and Hawaii, the states

Bernie Sanders is only interested in playing kingmaker and using the political apparatus of the Democratic Party to run for president. For decades he insulted it, tried to primary President Obama, and made clear how much he hated it. Granted, that never stopped him from accepting the DNC’s favor to him not to run a

You guys should form your own party with Bernie. You guys can hold your own conventions, elect your party head, have your own primaries, and scold one another. You don’t seem to get that while progressive issues poll well, people don’t always vote for candidates with those views. You see, your economic views often

Pushing away= not giving you guys everything you want. You guys care about purity while not caring about people who are suffering. You don’t give a rat’s ass about anyone but yourselves. You don’t get to be kingmakers when you just showed up.

First of all, I’m a woman. I didn’t think I was talking to a child, but your childish reaction certainly merits it. Save that “I’ve been rocking with Drake since his previous acting gig” for Instagram when you’re flexing on other dizzy chicks fighting over who’s his biggest groupie. But, since you’ve been down with

You know how they always ramble on about how many scientists or athletes wouldn’t be here if their mothers had had abortions? I want the testimony of victims of crimes, people who’ve managed to survive genocide, war lords, and autocrats who could tell us how the opportunities to prevent their suffering was lost

I remember how devastated they were when they saw Bradley Cooper at the DNC. These people were genuinely stunned and steam pressed when they saw he was there. They were so ready for their A-lister. They thought that playing Chris Kyle, the guy whose falsified tour of duty was the subject of the biopic American Sniper,

Dammit, Toby! Why couldn’t you be almost 7 instead of almost 8, so I could make a pick-6 joke? There are so many pick six jokes, memes, and gifs. Sad!

Or if the Koch brothers turned up to turn up.

Being a black person in the Americas is not a blanket experience. I don’t think many people would dispute the experience of black people in South America and Caribbean have confront deeper and more complex racial discrimination than black Americans in the United States. There are three tiers of racial oppression in

Listen to his songs. I’m not holding your hand through what is a very well acknowledged subject. If I were making an obscure reference, I’d be more open to holding your hand through this, but it’s not. It’s widely acknowledged and recognized.

I never said Canada has no racism. He should speak about Canadian racism. You think he might latch onto racism in the United States because that’s less profitable? It is absurd that a middle-class kid from Toronto who starred on a soap opera is out here acting like he grew up in the 9th ward or Liberty City. Why won’t

There must be a store for it. I’ll never forgive Usher for inflicting him and his accent on us all.

Drake can live however the fuck he wants. But, I am not trying to hear his complaints about not being able to fully exploit black music. Black has co-opted the experience of black Americans. He co-opts the experience of black people in the south talking about violence in which he’s never been in a position to see,

She’s the real leader of the free world. President Obama passed the torch to her.

In these dire times, I’m trying to be positive. Look at it this way: if trans students don’t go to school, they won’t be eaten by the grizzly bears running rampant through our schools that Secretary DeVos warned us about during her confirmation hearing. Maybe she didn’t want this to go through because she wants trans