When she dies they should turn her cremains into one of those corpse gems. Something really shiny and bright. People could take turns stealing her as a neverending tribute.
When she dies they should turn her cremains into one of those corpse gems. Something really shiny and bright. People could take turns stealing her as a neverending tribute.
True story, a friend of mine was hit on by Kevin Spacey in the late 90's. When he told us this, we, a group of hetereosexual males, yelled at him that he should have slept with him out of respect.
Mayer is the kind of guy I would have pursued in my 20s but Groban is the kind of guy I like in my 40s. He has a good job. He’s creative. He’s very funny and smart. He seems humble. Sure he may not be as hot as Zac Efron but he’s cute. I’d stay with him even if he insisted on singing “You raise me up!” every time he…
Ravenclaw 4 lyfe!
Suggest you try pegging first and see what he says?
There are absolutely problems with being single — it’s just that as a society we tend to exaggerate those claims while ignoring the benefits, and we do the opposite for relationships. Particularly for women.
Yeah, I really can’t get with the subtle slagging on people who want to be optimistic or try to make positive changes in their life. Even if the result is someone who is annoying sappy, that’s not really something I want to discourage people from trying to do.
Screw the flat belly! Go you! Losing 76 pounds in 15 months is no small feat!! Congratulations and keep up the good work!
After losing 76 pounds in 15 months with more to go, I’m afraid having a flat stomach isn’t going to happen for me without surgery. It might be flatter, but I’m sure there will still be too much loose skin. :(
“A breakup box.”
I think it’s a vicious rumor started out of jealousy by the ferrets.
please can I have some cake too, it sounds delicious and it would make me feel better :(
“It’s very rare that someone is involved in a homicide case with someone they just had a baby with. It’s very early to make a conclusion as to what the cause, intent, motive and facts were to this unfortunate tragedy.”
Margaret Atwood.
Prince was the jawn.
Also now I’m crying more after reading your comment, let’s purge the sadness together.
Straight from Point Breeze/S’Liberty/the North Side/Squirrel Hill n’at! Went to Dice with Wiz Khalifa, too.