
Little Ditty with Jo and dying.

I just wanted to send you an internet hug. All the internet hugs. It’s unfathomable that someone could be that juvenile, petty, and shitty! All the best,and all the support and joy to you in the moving-on process.

But why would you want someone in your life who says horrible things they don’t mean? And not just to you, but to the other people you love? I’m all for being supportive but there comes a point where a person’s actions, no matter where those actions stem from, are just unacceptable. Mental illness isn’t an excuse to

I hate you and I love you for it.

Rollin’ With the Homies or bust.

As another perpetual single this is something that I’m dying to know as well.

“sent me a Cthulhu valentine”

Hold onto him for dear life.

Honestly Britbrit I like where your head’s at you just have to be careful. I’ve met a lot of hot nerds who came into their looks post-high school and it’s made them into MONSTERS. And you’re like, how could you cheat on me while borrowing my car and they’re like ooooo I was never hot in high school and they almost cry

Oh my god my heart rate has been erratic on my fit bit recently too. But I’m pretty sure it’s an adderal combined with too much coffee baby. Follow me at @AdderalCaffeineFitBitBaby

“yourq [sic] amazing”

This is really, really gross. You can’t handle this particular person, who sounds annoying, but “single people” are so far from a monolith. Not everyone who is single is obsessively dating, and even those who are aren’t all incapable of doing so without drama. How does someone talking too much for your liking, about