Gaying Mantis Toboggan

Project Runway is one of those incredibly sensitive shows when it comes to how it treats and speaks about others. If somebody made a degrading joke about super hero nerds it’d either not air or be used as a teaching moment as they done in the past with similar issues.

I’m sure somewhere there are designers stereotyping gamers in a way you would find offensive, talking shit about things they know little to nothing about in regards to gaming. You seriously think liberal designers, mostly women, aren’t going to be aware of trends in design for super hero outfits, that they haven’t

For me it was hearing Trump wants to start separating families at the border again.

I hadn’t played any AC games in some time too until I picked up Origins and really enjoyed that and then along comes Odyssey, which I am loving even more, especially the fact you can reconfigure your abilities for a little bit of cash, which allow for trying out all kinds of play styles until you find the

It’s a hurdle that everybody has to jump over. It’s not perfect but everybody will have the same disadvantage if that’s how they’ve been playing.

Since everybody is being hit by this change all at once it’s a handicap that all players will have to deal with in the same manner save those who haven’t been stretching their screens.

Such underlying factors aren’t something you can figure out without some serious psychological analysis of the person involved and Jason is not a psychologist or those people’s therapists.

In that game the final boss has to be a demonic Hurk with a horde of monkey god demonic servants.

Normally I dislike it when a game forces me to do a specific mission type or moronically takes away my agency, like Far Cry 5 did with its numerous annoying cut scenes, but New Dawn would have been served well by forcing me to do a solitary expedition mission at the start to get something integral, say the binoculars,

Armor, weapon and ship upgrades can have their monetary and resource costs cut in half by killing lots of mercenaries. Also, upgrading an item five levels behind or twenty behind the cost is the same so you can let some armor pieces fall behind as long as you upgrade some of them, with the torso and waist the obvious

When I hit 100 hours in the game I was level 51, which works out to a level about every 2 hours. 15hours/2=7.5 so if you are around level 7 or 8 you’re doing fine.

Kill mercenaries galore! There’s ever more perks including 50% off ship upgrades and also another tier there’s a 50% off blacksmiths upgrades including the crafting resources—all from killing mercenaries. Upgrading legendary isn’t cheap even then but you can rotate through the things you are upgrading—don’t try to

I can’t wait for your answer to how following the rules to the letter is abusing them.

I don’t like all the utterly useless gibberish that Kotaku writes about. Now here’s a bunch of utterly useless gibberish from me!

Bending the knee for falsehoods and people screeching at you over something trivial from the false outrage culture obviously bothers you. If it didn’t you wouldn’t be throwing out the slippery slope argument that making these minor changes will set a precedent that will then bother you every time they make similar

Starting with AC:O experiencing the past through somebody’s DNA doesn’t require being related to any historical bloodline. All that is needed is a child to teach your assassin skills to so they are passed down to somebody so the knowledge stays alive. There is no need for a biologically related child, which means

I want them to come up with a happy ending to Requiem for a Dream.

I’m faxing you a pan of mourning lasagna. It always sucks to lose a family member. 

When the Reneducation Centers, operated by Ned Flanders, takes over America and The Notebook is a part of that programming, which is watched A Clockwork Orange style with eyes pulled wide open by disturbing contraptions, that will help make America grate their teeth again.

Marsden > Gosling