Gaying Mantis Toboggan

Incelnet has found its first prestige TV show.

Does it come with the recipe for Jet? Or at least Stimpaks?

Does it come with the recipe for Jet? Or at least Stimpaks?

“So, you’re the new Buffy?”

Many thanks for pointing this out...

You are correct, it is easy for an insincere gaslighting troll to upset somebody who is sincere about making the world a better place.

So Pizzagate was a long form absurdist skit meant to make us laugh?

When did r/the_donald take over?

I like how you care about survivors’ opinions when they serve your purpose, and sneeringly steamroll them when they don’t.

That’s reddit and 4chan forums dedicated to harassing people in the comments here. Definitely noticeable starting about a year and a half ago.

Well if comedians don’t make you laugh then that’s that. The world can be a dark place and we all process that in different manners. What you are asking for is for humanity to be replaced with emotionless automatons.

As somebody with constant chronic pain that has mostly ruined my life comedy is one of my few escapes from that reality. Being able to laugh at myself and my situation helps me to push through bad days.

I had watched every episode multiple times but after that I stopped watching too. I don’t want to see how they use their daughter as a prop and accessory.

She’s suing the production company not Jeff and Gage. Having your blurred out genitals on a tv show when in advance it was agreed there would be no filming of the birth definitely qualifies as being victimized. Jeff’s gross comments are not legally actionable but the production company violating their agreement with

And the Queen didn’t subtly insult Trump by meeting him wearing the broach the Obama’s gave her and then at the next encounter she had on snowflake broach. Utter coincidence.

I couldn’t finish season 3 and now I’m going to skip season 4. I’ll get my Constance Zimmer fix via Match Game.

ME: A was a good game but it wasn’t a Mass Effect game and that’s what irked people. ME was a game that didn’t need to move to an open world sandbox system, especially considering it would have to cover several worlds. The Witcher 2 made it’s jump to 3 work because the entire world was populated with people with well

You’re supposed to drink martinis by the glass not the gallon.

Can’t wait to see the epic showdown between Palpatine and RBG.

Palpatine’s presence would explalin Ross’ gross creeper and stalking behavior that was supposed to be “love”.

I will.