People like Coldplay and voting for Hitler. You can’t trust people.
People like Coldplay and voting for Hitler. You can’t trust people.
Your commitment to the freedom to destroy the planet is only slightly less nauseating than your ancestors’ clinging to the freedom to own other people.
Netflix thinks I like shitty stand up comedy (and the Holocaust) because I like good stand up comedy.
“why did these terrible people do terrible things?” is a question that has no answer.
I’m listening to the Radiolab story right now and according to it, not only are they sure it wasn’t him, they matched the DNA of the guy who did do it (who was already serving 60 years for rape).
Holy fuck! I’m listening to that right now and it just became clear when I read your comment.
Her sons are apparently 8 and 9 so, no, that random jumble of high-end high school math equations is not for their benefit.
The “racist members” are everybody, and most of them don’t even know that they’re racist.
He wouldn’t have been nominated in 2004 even if John Kerry didn’t exist.
Almost every single murder that occurs in the US is committed by a Christian.
No, it’s Christian privilege and they are desperate for black friends who will join in. See Ben Carson.
I still butter my pb and j’s. With the fancy stuff. Don’t knock it.
Why would you give your daughter a name that people can’t pronounce without help!?
19 - 21 year olds can’t be counted on for shit. They can’t even lie very well, and that’s all they’ve been doing for the previous 8 or so years.
Yeah, there’s no way that could become toxic.
Yeah, it’s been the my experience that the vast majority either wanted to pay for college or 1)already flunked out of college 2)needed to avoid jail 3)wanted a green card/citizenship 4)was unemployable as a civilian, etc.
Ben. Dude. You already fucked the nanny.
I hope that shitbag Mael gets fired. There is a petition asking “Allan Selig” to do so...
Yeah, this whole thing is utter fucking nonsense. It sounds like they just placed a sensor behind the diver and concluded that’s “what the dolphin ‘saw’”. And then this: