
man’s got a point...

In case you feel like catching up to speed

forget getting called anything, non-whites are usually shot first, asked questions later

yeah, people who care about “comment section grammar and punctuation” are TOTAL winners.

bro WHAT are you wearing, how did your handlers let you out of the fucking house...let alone speak!! on television!!

lol, in terms of deciding who gets to play, yeah - the bowls (playoff teams) are decided by eligible voters. The NCAA handles all of the scheduling of games which is where the bed shitting occurred.


it’s the NCAA’s fault because they are money-grubbing incompetent morons

No shit, I for one am totallllly surprised by this. Who besides the relevant teams fanbases cares to watch on NYE.

“What president does reality shows?


Just like those black churches started “mysteriously” burning after the mass shooting at the AME church in Charleston this summer.

I will raise you a Central Park Five

like 70% of the Seahawks

Dddyyeerrrpppy fuckin Redskins


If Manziel weren’t officially on “probation” prior to the tape coming out, perhaps the Browns would let things slide. But once “The Shield” gets involved, things escalate quickly. Player performance on the field is irrelevant in comparison to damaging the sanctity (read: brand) of the NFL.

Is there a cheap animation house out there that could contribute?

“We’re 3-17, so obviously, I’m a terrible coach and should probably be fired by the end of 2015.”

“We’re 3-17, so obviously, I’m a terrible coach and should probably be fired by the end of 2015.”